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  • task runners : simplfiy the pre-proccesses of deployment: grunt gulp.
  • grunt: - npm i grunt - touch Gruntfile.js - npm i grunt-contrib-less time-grunt jit-grunt - npm i grunt-contrib-watch grunt-browser-sync - simple grunt file for watching and compieling .less files:
    module.exports = function (grunt) {
      // Time how long tasks take. Can help when optimizing build times

      // Automatically load required Grunt tasks

      // Define the configuration for all the tasks
        less: {
          css: {
            files: {
              "css/styles.css": "css/styles.less",
        watch: {
          files: "css/*.less",
          tasks: ["less"],
        browserSync: {
          dev: {
            bsFiles: {
              src: ["css/*.css", "*.html", "js/*.js"],
            options: {
              watchTask: true,
              server: {
                baseDir: "./",

      grunt.registerTask("css", ["less"]);
      grunt.registerTask("default", ["browserSync", "watch"]);
  • Grunt:
  • at the cmd: grunt less => All .less files compiling into css.
  • at the cmd: grunt => watching and compiling automatically
  • for pre-deploy process we need: - grunt-contrib-copy: copying files to dist folder.
  • grunt-contrib-clean: clean dist each time before run build
  • grunt-contrib-imagemin : minimizing images. - grunt-contrib-concat : concat files. - grunt-contrib-cssmin: min css.
  • grunt-contrib-htmlmin : min html.
  • grunt-contrib-uglify: min js.
  • grunt-filerev. - grunt-usemin: use all min files.
  • Best resource for Grunt :