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  • heap is a tree with special charechters.
  • Binary max-heap is a binary tree \(each node has zero, one, or two children\) where the value of each node is at least the values of its children.

operations on binary max-heap

  • GetMax: return the root.
  • Insert: attach a new node to any leaf, this may violate the heap property, so we do siftUp.
  • siftUp: swap the problematic node with its parent until the property is satisfied. this edge gets closer to the root while sifting up. costs o(tree height).
  • ExtractMax : replace the root with any leaf. then we do SiftDown if nessecary.
  • SiftDown: we swap the problematic node with larger child until the heap property is satisfied.
  • ChangePriority: change the priority and let the changed element sift up or down depending on whether its priority decreased or increased.
  • Remove: change the priority of the element to ∞, let it sift up, and then extract maximum by calling ExtractMax() costs O(tree height).

compelete binary tree

  • A binary tree is complete if all its levels are filled except possibly the last one which is filled from left to right.
  • A complete binary tree with n nodes has height at most O(log n).
  • we cav store a copmplete binary tree in array as follows:
  • parent index of node i = Arr[round(i/2)]
  • leftchild\(i\) = Arr[2i]
  • RightChild\(i\) = Arr[2i+1]
  • siftUp and down does not change the tree completeness.
  • insert and extractMax and remove can violate tree completeness.
  • we have to maintain our tree complete.
  • Keeping the Tree Complete:
  • to extract the maximum value, replace the root by the last leaf \(by the right leaf of the most left child 2i+1 \) and let it sift down.
  • to insert an element, insert it as a leaf in the leftmost vacant position in the last level and let it sift up.

binary heap psuedo code

binary heap array example

  • maxSize is the maximum number of elements in the heap
  • size is the size of the heap
  • H[1 . . . maxSize] is an array of length maxSize where the heap occupies the first size elements
  • pdf docs
  • sift Up:
while i > 1 and H[Parent(i)] < H[i]:
swap H[Parent(i)] and H[i]
i  Parent(i)
  • sift down:
maxIndex  i
if   size and H[] > H[maxIndex]:
r  RightChild(i)
if r  size and H[r] > H[maxIndex]:
maxIndex  r
if i ̸= maxIndex:
swap H[i] and H[maxIndex]
  • insert:
if size = maxSize:
return ERROR
size  size + 1
H[size]  p
  • Extract max:
result  H[1]
H[1]  H[size]
size  size  1
return result
  • remove:
  • change priority:
ChangePriority(i, p)
oldp  H[i]
H[i]  p
if p > oldp:

Heap sort

  • psudo code:
HeapSort(A[1 . . . n])
create an empty priority queue
for i from 1 to n:
for i from n downto 1:
A[i]  ExtractMax()
  • cost : 0(n log n)

intro-sort algorithm

in practice: you start using quick sort algorithm, if you find it a bit slow: you stop and change to heap sort.

0-based array heap

  • Parent\(i\): return Arr[i−1/2]
  • LeftChild\(i\) : return Arr[2i + 1]
  • RightChild\(i\): return Arr[2i + 2]

Binary min-heap

Binary min-heap is a binary tree \(each node has zero, one, or two children\) where the value of each node is at most the values of its children.

d-ary Heap

  • In a d-ary heap nodes on all levels except for possibly the last one have exactly d children.
  • The height of such a tree is about logd n.
  • The running time of SiftUp is O\(logd n\).
  • The running time of SiftDown is O\(d logd n\): on each level, we nd the largest value among d children.