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2. Getting Started with Android Development

1 Introduction to Kotlin

  • Kotlin is a statically typed, cross-platform, general-purpose programming language with type inference.
  • To run a simple Kotlin script:
    1. Install kotlin and kotlinc (kotlin compiler).
    2. Create a file with .kt extension.
    3. Compile the file using kotlinc <filename>.kt.
    4. Run the compiled file using kotlin <filename>.

Data Types

  • Byte: 8-bit signed integer.
  • Integers:
    • Short: 16-bit signed integer.
    • Int: 32-bit signed integer.
    • Long: 64-bit signed integer.
  • Floats:
    • Float: 32-bit floating point number.
    • Double: 64-bit floating point number.
  • Boolean: true or false (1 bit).
  • Char: 16-bit Unicode character.
  • To Check if a variable is of a certain type, use is operator. .e.g. if (true is Boolean) { ... } or if (1 is Int) { ... }.


  • variables can be declared using var or val keywords.
  • val: Immutable variable, cannot be reassigned, but can be initialized with a variable or expression.
  • var: Mutable variable, local by default.
    var a: Int = 1
    val b = a + 1

    println("a is ${a}"); // a is 2
    println("b is ${b}"); // b is 2

    b = 3; // Error: val cannot be reassigned
  • Ternary operator assignment:
    val max = if (a > b) { a } else { b }

When Expression

  • Similar to switch in C/C++.
var n = readLine()!!.toInt()
when (n) {
    1 -> println("1")
    2 -> println("2")
    3 -> println("3")
    4,5,6 -> println("4, 5 or 6")
    in 7..10 -> println("7, 8, 9 or 10")
    else -> {
        println("Invalid selection")
  • You can also branch on type of a variable:
var x: Any = 1
when (x) {
    is Int -> print(x + 1)
    is String -> print(x.length + 1)
    is IntArray -> print(x.sum())
    else -> print("Unknown Type")
  • You can even branch on function calls:
fun isOdd(x: Int) = x % 2 != 0
fun isEven(x: Int) = x % 2 == 0

when {
    isOdd(x) -> print("x is odd")
    isEven(x) -> print("x is even")
    else -> print("x is funny")
  • You can use the result of a when in an assignment using a function:
fun transform(color: String): Int {
    return when (color) {
        "Red" -> 0
        "Green" -> 1
        "Blue" -> 2
        else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Invalid color param value")

or simpler:

fun transform(color: String): Int = when (color) {
    "Red" -> 0
    "Green" -> 1
    "Blue" -> 2
    else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Invalid color param value")

For Loops

for (item in collection) {} // iterate over collection
for (i in 1..10) {} // range
for (i in 1..10 step 2) {} // range with step
for (i in 10..1){} // never executes as right bound is less than left bound
for (i in 10 downTo 1) {} // range in reverse
for (i in 10 downTo 1 step 2) {} // range in reverse with step

// for arrays
var arr = arrayOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
for (i in arr.indices) {} // iterate over indices
for ((index, value) in arr.withIndex()) {} // iterate over indices and values

// strings
var str = "Hello World";
for (c in str) {} // iterate over characters
for ((index, value) in str.withIndex()) {} // iterate over indices and characters
for (i in str.indices) {} // iterate over indices


  • Functions can be declared using fun keyword.
  • Advantages: Reusability, modularity, readability, maintainability.
  • Disadvantages: Overhead, complexity.
  • Arguments can have default values to make them optional.
  • When calling a function, you can pass the name of the argument to make the code more readable; and you can also pass arguments in any order.
fun sum(a: Int, b: Int): Int {
    return a + b

fun sum(a: Int, b: Int = 0, c: Int = 0): Int {
    return a + b + c

fun main() {
    println(sum(1, 2)) // 3
    println(sum(1, b = 2)) // 3
    println(sum(1, c = 2)) // 3
    println(sum(1, c = 2, b = 3)) // 6
  • lambda functions are declared as val lambda_name : Data_type = { argument_List -> code_body }
val lambdaSum = { a: Int, b: Int -> a + b }
lambdaSum(1, 2) // 3
lambdaSum.invoke(1, 2) // 3

// Or, with explicit type declaration
val lambdaSum: (Int, Int) -> Int = { a, b -> a + b }

// Filter an array
val arr = arrayOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
arr.filter { it % 2 == 0 } // [2, 4] // shorthand for arr.filter { x -> x % 2 == 0 }
arr.filter { it -> it % 2 == 0 } // [2, 4] // longhand
  • Anonymous functions are declared as val lambda_name = fun(argument_List): Data_type { code_body }
val mul = fun(a: Int, b: Int): Int { return a * b }
  • The inline keyword which ultimately requests the compiler to not allocate memory and simply copy the inlined code of that function at the calling place.
  • The infix keyword which allows you to call a function without using the dot and the parentheses. infix fun functionName(argument_List): Data_type { code_body } then you can call it as objectName functionName argument_List
  • Higher order functions are functions that take other functions as arguments or return functions.


  • Types of collections:
    1. List:
      • Ordered collection of elements that allows duplicates.
      • Immutable: val l = listOf(1,2,3) or val l = listOf<Int>(1,2,3), you can not add or remove elements from this list.
      • Mutable: can be created using functions like: mutableListOf, arrayListOF, and ArrayList.
    2. Set:
      • Unordered collection of elements that does not allow duplicates.
      • Immutable: val s = setOf(1,2,3) or val s = setOf<Int>(1,2,3), you can not add or remove elements from this set.
      • Mutable: can be created using functions like: mutableSetOf, hashSetOf, and HashSet.
    3. Map:
      • Collection of k**ey-value pairs** that does not allow duplicate keys.
      • Immutable: val m = mapOf(1 to "one", 2 to "two", 3 to "three") or val m = mapOf<Int, String>(1 to "one", 2 to "two", 3 to "three"), you can not add or remove elements from this map.
      • Mutable: can be created using functions like: mutableMapOf, hashMapOf, and HashMap.
    4. Array: Fixed size collection of elements that allows duplicates.
    5. Sequence: Lazy collection of elements that allows duplicates and can be processed only once.
  • Advantages of Collections: Readability, Performance, Better memory management, Type safety, and Storage Efficiency (over manual memory or file-based storage).
  • Disadvantages: Overhead, Complexity.
  • ArrayList: creates mutable list of elements by val al = ArrayList<Int>() or val al = arrayListOf<Int>(). Advantages: dynamic resizing, store different types, easy to use with useful methods. Disadvantages: more overhead, more memory usage, access time is slower.
var al = ArrayList<Int>() // constructor
al.add(1, 2) // add element `2` at index 1, shifting all elements after index 1 to the right
al.addAll(2, listOf(3, 4, 5)) // add elements `3`, `4`, and `5` at index 2
al.get(1) // get element at index 1
al.remove(1) // remove element at index 1
al.set(1, 2) // set element at index 1 to `2`, replacing the previous element at index 1
al.indexOf(2) // get index of element `2`
al.size // get size of array
al.clear() // clear array
  • List: creates immutable collection of elements using val l = listOf<Int>(), can be accessed using indices rather than functions as l[0]. Advantages: Immutability, Type safety, Convenience (to store collection of fixed size that is not changing). Disadvantages: Immutability, overhead, limited functionality.
var l = listOf<Int>(1,2,3)
l.get(1) // get element at index 1
l[1] // get element at index 1
l.first() // get first element
l.last() // get last element
for (i in l) {} // iterate over elements
var it = l.listIterator() // get iterator
while (it.hasNext()) { } // iterate over elements using iterator
for (i in 0 until l.size) {} // iterate over elements using indices
l.sorted() // gives sorted list in ascending order
l.sortedDescending() // gives sorted list in descending order
l.contains(1) // check if list contains element `1`
l.containsAll(listOf(1,2)) // check if list contains all elements in the list
  • Set: creates immutable collection of elements using val s = setOf<Int>().
var s = setOf<Int>(1,2,3)
s.elementAt(1) // get element at index 1
s.indexOf(2) // get index of element `2`
s.lastIndexOf(2) // get last index of element `2`
s.first() // get first element
s.last() // get last element
s.count() // get number of elements
s.max() // get maximum element
s.min() // get minimum element
s.sum() // get sum of elements
s.average() // get average of elements
s.contains(1) // check if set contains element `1`
s.containsAll(listOf(1,2)) // check if set contains all elements in the list
s.isEmpty() // check if set is empty, empty sets are equal to each other `setOf<Int>() == setOf<Int>()`

2 Introduction to Android Development

  • Features of Android:
    • Open Source
    • Wide range of connectivity options: GSM, CDMA, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, LTE, NFC, etc.
    • Rich API support: Camera, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, Location, etc.
    • Rich Storage Management: SQLite, SharedPreferences, File System, etc.
    • Rich Media Support: Audio, Video, Images, etc.
    • Integrated WebView: WebKit engine for Hybrid apps.
    • Supports MultiTasking.
    • Supports AR/VR.
    • Rich Development Environment: Android Studio, Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA, etc.
  • Latest Android Version is Android 13 (API level 33) and called Tiramisu.
  • Google made kotlin the official language for android development in 2017.

3 Meet Android Studio

  • Project Structure:
    • The Project structure represent the file on disk, while the Android structure represent the logical structure of the app folder.
    • Source Module Types: Android App modules, Library modules, and Google App Engine modules.
    • All build files are stored in the Gradle Scripts folder.
    • Each App has three folders:
      • manifests: contains the AndroidManifest.xml file that describes the structure of the app.
      • java: contains the java/kotlin code of the app.
      • res: contains the resources of the app.

4 Why Kotlin?

  • Apps like: Uber, Evernote, Pinterest moved to Kotlin.
  • It was selected as the preferred language for Android development by Google in 2017.
  • Kotlin has server-side, data science, Android, front-end, and cross-platform capabilities.
  • Kotlin is completely compatible with Java, but it has simpler syntax and easy to use features.
  • Kotlin reduces the code by 40% compared to Java.
  • Kotlin solves the null pointer exception problem by introducing nullable and non-nullable types.
  • Kotlin compiles into Intermediary Byte Code, which can be converted to any machine code.


  1. Adityamshidlyali. (2021, July 7). A complete guide to learn kotlin for android app development. GeeksforGeeks. Retrieved June 15, 2022, from 

  2. GeeksForGeeks (n.d.). Introduction to Android Development. 

  3. Android. (n.d.). Meet Android Studio. 

  4. AndroidDeveloper. (n.d.). Why Kotlin is More Populaer Than Java in Android Development.,they%20call%20'better%20Java