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Algorithms on Graphs

  • graphs are used in:
  • represent Internet pages and the connections between them.
  • maps
  • social networks.
  • An \(undirected\) Graph is a collection V of vertices, and a collection E of edges each of which connects a pair of vertices.
  • Drawing Graphs:
  • Vertices: Points. Edges: Lines.
  • Loops connect a vertex to itself.
  • Multiple edges between same vertices.
  • Represinting Graphs:
  • List of all edges: Edges: (A, B), (A, C), (A,D), (C,D)
  • Adjacency Matrix: Matrix. Entries 1 if there is an edge, 0 if there is not.
  • Adjacency List : For each vertex, a list of adjacent vertices.
  • time cost for each of the previous Graph representaions:

 time cost for each of the previous Graph representaions

Week1: Exploring Undirected Graphs

  • A path in a graph G is a sequence of vertices v0, v1, . . . , vn so that for all i, \(vi , vi+1\) is an edge of G.
  • operations on graphs:
  • Reachability: outputs The collection of vertices v of G so that there is a path from s to v.
  • connectivity: outputs The connected components of G.

Reachability \(All components\)

All Component(s: ):
    DiscoveredNodes = []
    while there is an edge e leaving DiscoveredNodes that has not been explored:
        add vertex at other end of e to DiscoveredNodes
    return DiscoveredNodes
  • Visit Markers : To keep track of vertices found we Give each vertex boolean visited\(v\).
  • Unprocessed Vertices: Keep a list of vertices with edges left to check.

Depth First Ordering

  • We will explore new edges in Depth First order. We will follow a long path forward, only backtracking when we hit a dead end.
Explore(v: vertix):
    visited(v) = true
    for (v, w)  E: # E contains all niebourghs w of v
        if not visited(w):


  • The vertices of a graph G can be partitioned into Connected Components so that v is reachable from w if and only if they are in the same connected component.
Depth-First-Search(G: graph):
  for all v  V mark v unvisited: #initialize all vertices as un visted using counter cc
  cc = 1
  for v  V : # V contains all vertices  v of the single connected component V
    if not visited(v):`
  cc = cc + 1 # increase the counter so it's giving a different mark to every vertices 
    # in a single component


Explore(v: vertix):
  visited(v) = true # mark that this vertix has visted 
  CCnum(v) = cc # mark all vertices in the same component with the same counter
  for (v, w)  E:  
  # check if there are still unvisted vertices in v niebourghs
    if not visited(w):
  • Each new explore() finds new single connected component.
  • Runtime O(|V: vertices | + |E: edges|).

Previsit and Postvisit Functions

  • you might want to track more data while you going over the vertices, these data can be tracked using preVistit() and postVisit() functions.
  • adding pre and post visits functions to DSF() in the Explore():
    Explore(v: vertix):
      visited(v) = true
      previsit(v) # execute pre visit
      for (v, w)  E: # adjacents
          if not visited(w):

      ####### def pre visit and posy vists ########
      clock = 1
          pre(v) = clock
          clock = clock + 1
          post(v) = clock
          clock = clock + 1

week2: Directed Graphs

  • Directed Graph: a graph where each edge has a start vertex and an end vertex.
  • Directed graphs might be used to represent:
  • Streets with one-way roads.
  • Links between webpages.
  • Followers on social network.
  • Dependencies between tasks
  • Directed DFS:
  • Only follow directed edges.
  • explore(v) finds all vertices reachable from v.
  • Can still compute pre- and postorderings.
  • cycle: A cycle in a graph G is a sequence of vertices v1, v2, . . . , vn so that (v1, v2),(v2, v3), . . . ,(vn−1, vn),(vn, v1) are all edges.
  • If G contains a cycle, it cannot be linearly ordered.
  • DAGs : A directed graph G is a Directed Acyclic Graph \(or DAG\) if it has no cycles.
  • Example: only A is a DAG


  • Any DAG can be linearly ordered.

Topological Sort

  • Last Vertex: a vertex that cannot have any edges pointing out of it.
  • source: a vertex with no incoming edges.
  • sink : a vertex with no outgoing edges, simply it’s a last vertix.
  • Example: red vertices are sinks


  • topological sort idea: 1. Find sink. 2. Put that sink at end of order. 3. Remove the sink from graph. 4. Repeat.
  • finding a sink:
  • to find a sink we need to follow the path pointing to this sink until we :
    • Cannot extend => we found a sink.
    • Repeat a previous vertex => we found a cycle.
  • Topological sort algorithm:
        while G non-empty:
          Follow a path until cannot extend
              Find sink v
              Put v at end of order
              Remove v from G
              LinearOrder(G) # G is now less by 1 vertix.

              ## Runtime O(|V|^2)
  • weaknesses in the previous algorithm:
  • Retrace same path every time.
  • every time we start from the begining, sowe can: Instead only back up as far as necessary.

Optimized topological sort

    DFS(G) # run depth first search with pre and post order functions
    sort vertices by reverse post-order # greater post-order value comes first in the output.

If G is a DAG, with an edge u -> v, so: post(u) > post(v).