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DA1. What is Big Data?


We all certainly agree that big data is becoming a big game-changer in almost all modern industries. In your own words, describe what you understand by the term ‘big data’ and explain its types. Do your own research and provide at least six real-time examples of big data.



Big data is a term of significant importance in the modern world. The text will start by defining big data and the ecosystem around it. Later it will discuss the types of big data, that is, the shape of data being processed. Later, it will provide six examples of using big data in real-time applications, where clients stream data to servers that are being processed to make decisions that affect the same clients or other clients. Finally, it will conclude by summarizing the information provided in the text.

Definition of Big Data

The literal meaning of the word “big data” reflects a large size (volume) of data which is characters and symbols stored and processed by the computer to store information (Taylor, 2022). Big Data is a term that refers to a large volume of data that is generated by a variety of sources and types at a high velocity to the point that it is complex for traditional data management tools to handle it (Taylor, 2022).

The term “big data” does not just include the data itself, but rather it includes the tools and processes that are used to integrate, manage, and analyze this data and make them useful for use cases such as product development, predictive maintenance, customer experience, machine learning, and more (Tiao, 2024).

The term “big data” dates back to the 1990s when John R. Mashey made that term popular (Big Data Framework, 2019). The term also is associated with the three Vs: Volume, Velocity, and Variety; later on, three more Vs were added: Veracity, Variability, and Value (Google Cloud, 2024); these Vs are also known as the characteristics of big data.

Types of Big Data

The types of big data refer to the shape and form of the data that is being generated, streamed, managed, and analyzed within a big data ecosystem. There are three types of big data: structured, unstructured, and semi-structured data (Taylor, 2022).

Structured data is the data that is streamed and managed in a fixed format (schema) such as relational databases and spreadsheets. Unstructured data is data that has an unknown structure such as text, images, and other multimedia files. Semi-structured data has a schema that does not fit into a relational database but has some organizational properties such as XML and JSON files.

Real-time Examples of Big Data

According to Hiller (2023), several industries have found value in integrating big data into their operations. Here are six examples listed by Hiller (2023):

  • Netflix uses big data to create personalized customer profiles that can be targeted with relevant content recommendations or predict what shows or movies may be successful.
  • McDonald’s uses big data to study customer habits and preferences that are used to optimize its menu offering, staff allocations, and other supply chain operations.
  • Healthcare providers use big data to analyze Electronic Health Records (EHRs) to study patterns in diseases that may be useful in diagnosing and treating patients.
  • Healthcare providers use big data by distributing wearable devices to patients which stream data about the patient’s vital signs which are being analyzed to identify patients who need immediate care.
  • Banks use big data to analyze customer transactions to detect fraud and other financial crimes.
  • Transport for London (TfL) uses big data to analyze the data streamed from all its buses, trains, traffic lights, and other transport services to optimize transport strategic planning, and real-time traffic management (Intelligent Transport, 2019).


In conclusion, big data is the ecosystem of dealing with data being streamed and processed in sizes that are bigger than the capacity of traditional data management tools. Big data is characterized by the three Vs: Volume, Velocity, and Variety. There are three types of big data: structured, unstructured, and semi-structured data. Big data is being used in various industries such as entertainment, food, healthcare, finance, and transportation to optimize operations, improve customer experience, and predict future trends.
