- looping throgh an object: -
for (let el in Obj)
will loop over the keys. -for (let el of bj)
will loop over the valuse ??
- once we create an object we can not change it. and if we want to change it we have to copy it and mutate the copy.
- ex: strings is immutable, whan u change a string u actually create a new string.
- ex: objects in js are mutable.
pros of immutability: 1. makes our programs more predictable. 2. faster in change detection. 3. concurrency.
cons of immutability: 1. copying every elemnt in order to change it can slow ur performance. 2. memory proplems: also associated with copying. the solution for this is
structural sharing
, when copying the elemnt only the changed elemnts will be copied, others will be shared,like shared by reference
updating objects¶
- updating an object with immutability priciples in mind:
const obj = { name: "john" };
obj.name = "Ahmad"; // wrong, we shouldn't do that, we need to creaete a copy first.
// Object.assign()
const newObj = Object.assign({}, obj, { name: "Ahmad", age: 27 }); // copy obj into newObj, and then update newObj with the new values.
// spread operator
const newObj = { ...obj } // make a copy
newObj.name = "Ahmad"; update the copy.
- spraed operator will make a shallow copy of any nested object, we need to create a new deep copy to apply our changes to the copy only
const obj1 = { name: "ahmad", address: { country: "UK", city: "London" } };
const newObj = { ...obj1 } //copy, shallow copy for address.
newObj.address.city = "Bristol"; // the address of obj will changed as well.
obj.address.city // Bristol.
// To solve the problem
const newObj = { ...obj, address: { ...obj.address }};
newObj.address.city = "Bristol"; // the address of obj will NOT changed becaue we deep copied obj.
obj.address.city // London.
update object keys¶
const changeKey = (obj, old_key, new_key) => {
// if the key will change
if (old_key !== new_key) {
Object.defineProperty(obj, new_key, // add a new property to obj with the obj[new_key] = same value.
Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, old_key)); // descriptor contains the valeu of the property
delete obj[old_key]; // delete old key and its value.
Delete object key¶
delete obj.keyName;
obj.keyName = undefined;
check if object¶
const isObject = obj => !!obj && typeof obj === 'object';