OOP in JS¶
1. concepts of oop¶
- Abstraction
- Polymorphism
- Inheretance
- Encapsulation
2. procedural vs oop¶
in procedural programming 1. you write functions. 2. change one function then you need to change everywhere 3. spaggitti code 4. functions have more parameters
in oop:
- you write classes.
- functions have less params.
- change only the code in the class and it will changes every where simply.
3. Abstraction¶
- reduce the impact of change.
- hide un-necceary data.
function Square(a, b){
this.x = a;
this.y = b;
this.area = function (){ console.log(this.x * this.y) };
let defaultLocation = {x:1, y:1} // private
let defaultArea = function(){
// code, this method is private
// we can call defaultLocation directly without this
are private. you can’t access them from the outer program.defaultLocation
are local variables in the constructor function, so we can think of them as private but they arenot
.- the square class interface does not contain defaultArea and defaultLocation and contain onlu x,y,area (the words with this).
- the square class is now abstracted, because we hide the default data so no body can miss around with them.
4. Inheretance¶
- eleminate redandant code.
5. polymorphism¶
- the object behaves differently depending on the class we are referincing.
- refactor ugly switch/case statments.
6. Encapsulation¶
- reduce complexity.
- increase reusability.
7. objects lterals¶
const square = {
x: 1,
y: 2,
area : function (){ console.log(this.x * this.y) }
- object is collection of key value pairs.
8. Factory functions¶
function createSquare(a,b){
return {
x: a,
y: b,
area : function (){ console.log( a * b) }
// so
let q1 = createSquare(2,2);
q1.area() //4
9. Constructors¶
- the first letter should be uppercase.
- it’s like creating an instance of class, but in js there is no classes.
function Square(a, b){
this.x = a;
this.y = b;
this.area = function (){ console.log(this.x * this.y) };
// so
q2 = new Square(2,2);
// if we remove new,
// 1) this will refer to the global object.
// 2) q2 will be undefined.
q2.area() //4
10. This¶
- by default
refers to the global object, eg.window
. - by using the
keyword before a constructor,this
will refer to the new object.
11. every object has a constructor refers to the function that used to create this object.¶
12. Default constructors¶
let q3 = new Object()
q3.x = 2;
q3.y = 2;
q3.area = function(){ console.log(this.x * this.y) };
// OR
let q4 = new Object({
area: function(){ console.log(this.x * this.y) }
// so
q3.area() //4
q4.area() //4
- other default constructors:
new String()
,new Boolean()
,new Number()
13. Functions are objects¶
const square = new Function('a , b', `
this.x = a;
this.y = b;
this.area = function (){ console.log(this.x * this.y) };
// So
q5 = new square(2,2);
q5.area() //4
14. Value Types (pirmiatives) vs Reference Types¶
value types (pirimatives):
- Number
- String
- Boolean
- Symbol
- undefined
- null
Reference types:
- Object
- Array
- Map
- Set
- Function
copying a pirimative type will copy its value to the new variable.
- copying a refernce type will
not copy
its value to the new var, instead thememory address
for the first var is stored in the new var. - so copying a reference type is actually pointing to tits memory address.
// value
let x = 10;
let y = x;
x = 20; // x is 20, y still 10.
// reference
let x = { value: 10 };
let y = x;
x.value = 20; // y.value = x.value = 20.
- passing a var by its value to a function will not change its original value.
- passing a var by its reference will change its original value directly.
// primiatves (by value)
let x = 10;
function increase(num) { num++; }
console.log(x); // 10, copied by value, origin don't change.
// Objects (by reference)
let y = { value: 10 };
function increase(obj) { obj.value++; }
console.log(y); // { value: 11 }, copied by ref, origin changed directly.
15. add/remove properties¶
let o = {x:1}
// add
o.y = 2; // o is now {x:1, y:2}
o.x // 1, do notation
0["x"] // 1, bracket notation
// remove
delete o.y;
16. enamurating objects¶
// constructor
function Square(a, b){
this.x = a;
this.y = b;
this.area = function (){ console.log(this.x * this.y) };
// new object
let o = new Square(1,2)
// for .. in
for (key in o){
console.log(key) // x , y , area
console.log(o[key]) // 1, 2, funcion
// Object methods
const keys = Object.keys(o); // [x, y, area]
const values = Object.values(o); // [1, 2, function]
// check if a key existed in an oject
'x' in o; // true
'area' in o; // true
x in o; // false
17. setters and getters¶
function Square(a, b){
this.x = a;
this.y = b;
this.area = function (){ console.log(this.x * this.y) };
let defaultLocation = {x:1, y:1} // private
// 1) old way
this.getDefaultLocation = function(){
return defaultLocation // getter
this.setDefaultLocation = function(obj){
defaultLocation.x = obj.x;
defaultLocation.y = obj.y;
// this is setter function
// to access it;
// obj.getDefalutLocation() fo getter
// obj.setDefalutLocation(objet) fo setter
// 2) Another way
Object.definePropoerty(this, 'defaultLocation', {
get: function (){
return defaultLocation
set: function(obj){
defaultLocation.x = obj.x;
defaultLocation.y = obj.y;
// this is setter function
// to access it;
// obj.defalutLocation fo getter
// obj.defalutLocation = objet fo setter
- accessing private properties should be only using methods setters and getters.