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DA2. Thomas Jefferson Memorial


As stated about Greek Architecture from your reading this week: “The formulas they invented as early as the sixth century B.C. have influenced the architecture of the past two millennia.”

Please give an example of a building built after 1900 that you may have seen either in person or in pictures that was designed in a classical style.

  • Why do you think the architect(s) chose to copy the classical style?
  • What kind of messages does that style convey?
  • How is the building’s function (use) suited to the classical style?


Thomas Jefferson was a very important figure in the history of the United States. He was a philosopher, lawyer, and politician. He was the main author of the Declaration of Independence and the third President of the United States. He died on July 4, 1826, the 50th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence (The White House, 2022).

The memorial building began construction in 1939 and was completed in 1943. The building was designed by John Russell Pope, Otto Eggers, and Daniel Higgins. The building is located in Washington, D.C. and is dedicated to Thomas Jefferson (Britannica, 2024).

Thomas Jefferson Memorial

Why do you think the architect(s) chose to copy the classical style?

The balding copies the Parthenon, a famous temple in Athens, Greece that was dedicated to the goddess Athena. Athens is the birthplace of democracy and the Parthenon is a symbol of the city. Jefferson was a great admirer of the Greeks and Romans, and he also worked hard on establishing democracy in the United States, and then the world. In my opinion, the architects chose to copy the classical style to honor Jefferson’s contributions to democracy and to reflect his love for the Greeks and Romans.

What kind of messages does that style convey?

  • Greece (specifically Athens) is the birthplace of democracy; the building honors Jefferson’s contributions to democracy.
  • The Greek civilization has a great influence on the Western world that is still present today; thus, the building conveys permanency and lasting influence.
  • The Greek philosophy represents the enlightenment and the pursuit of knowledge; the building conveys the enlightenment that Jefferson followed.

How is the building’s function (use) suited to the classical style?

The building is an open-air structure with a shallow dome; the dome is supported by 26 columns. It is built from white marble and it has a statue of Thomas Jefferson inside. The building is located in a park, surrounded by cherry tree blossoms (National Park Service, 2021). The building function achieves the connection to history, the symbolism of democracy, and the enlightenment that Jefferson followed.


Thomas Jefferson was a great political and philosophical figure in the history of the United States; such persons deserve a special memorial that reflects their contributions. The Memorial connected the past with the present, explaining the long evolution of democracy and the influence of the Greeks and Romans on the Western world.
