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Ahist1401 art history
Ahist1401 art history
1. Introduction: What is art, how do we study art?
1. Introduction: What is art, how do we study art?
DA1. Your Favorite Artwork
JA1. Definition of Art
WA1. Compare and Contrast: The Statue of Memi and Sabu and The Seated Statue of Gudea
2. The Foundations of Western Art: Ancient Greece and Rome
2. The Foundations of Western Art: Ancient Greece and Rome
DA2. Thomas Jefferson Memorial
JA2. Learning Journal 2
WA2. The Parthenon and the Pantheon
3. The Middle Ages: The Fall of the Roman Empire, Romanesque and Gothic
3. The Middle Ages: The Fall of the Roman Empire, Romanesque and Gothic
DA3. Churches
JA3. The Influence of Classical Rome on Christian Art and Architecture
4. Revival and Rebirth in Europe: The Renaissance, Baroque and Rococo
4. Revival and Rebirth in Europe: The Renaissance, Baroque and Rococo
DA4. Diversity of Art Patrons in 15-18th Century Europe
JA4. Effects of Classical Art on Art of 15-18th Century Europe
WA4. The Role of the Artist in 15-18th Century Europe
5. Art of Revolution: Neoclassicism and Romanticism
5. Art of Revolution: Neoclassicism and Romanticism
DA5. Neoclassicism and Romanticism for Conveying Messages
JA5. The Visual Arts as a Medium for Public Messages
WA5. The French Revolution and Art
6. The Roots of Modern Art: Realism, Photography and Impressionism
6. The Roots of Modern Art: Realism, Photography and Impressionism
DA6. Impressionism as the First Modern Art Style
JA7. Standards of Taste and Style
7. Modernism: 1900 to 1950
7. Modernism: 1900 to 1950
DA7. Picasso’s Guernica
JA7. Learning Journal 7
8. Contemporary Art, 1950 to now: Redefining what art is.
8. Contemporary Art, 1950 to now: Redefining what art is.
DA8. The Death of Painting
JA8. Effects of Studying Art History on Understanding Different Cultures
Algorithms on Graphs
Free Code Camp Algorithms section
Algorithms Notes
Algorithm toolbox
Algorithm toolbox
Algorithms Notes
AWS databases
AWS storage
AWS Good Reads
Biol1301 introduction to biology
Biol1301 introduction to biology
1. Introduction to Scientific Inquiry and Biochemistry
1. Introduction to Scientific Inquiry and Biochemistry
4. Cellular Division
4. Cellular Division
DA4. Cancer
JA4. Cellular Division in plants and animals
5. Classical and Molecular Genetics
5. Classical and Molecular Genetics
DA5. DNA Replication in Eukaryotes and Prokaryotes
6. Diversity of Life
6. Diversity of Life
DA6. Diversity of Life
JA6. Phyla
7. Evolution
7. Evolution
DA7. Evidence for Evolution
JA7. Evolution and Sustainability
WA7. Adaptive Traits
8. Ecology
8. Ecology
DA8. Ecology
JA8. Global Climate Change
Bus1101 principles of business management
Bus1101 principles of business management
1. Introduction to the Principles of Management
1. Introduction to the Principles of Management
DA1. The Definition of Management
JA1. Interview with a Manager
2. Psychology and Work Behaviors
2. Psychology and Work Behaviors
DA2. Personality and Work Behaviors
WA2. SAS Institute Invests in Employees
3. Globalization and Leadership
3. Globalization and Leadership
DA3. Agile Methodology and Productivity Measurement
JA3. Key Principles of Learning Organization
4. Mission, Vision, and Values
4. Mission, Vision, and Values
DA4. Stakeholders
JA4. Personal Mission and Vision Statement
5. Strategic Management
5. Strategic Management
DA5. When Strategy Contradicts Vision, Mission, or Values
JA5. Personal Growth and Development Strategy
WA5. SWOT Analysis of Athlete’s Warehouse
6. Goals and Objectives
6. Goals and Objectives
DA6. Goals and Objectives in Management
7. Organizational Structure and Change
7. Organizational Structure and Change
DA1. Organizational Change Forces
JA7. Navigating Organizational Change and Effective Execution in the Healthcare Industry
WA7. Organizational Structure and Change
8. Organizational Culture
8. Organizational Culture
DA8. Organizational Culture Strengths and Weaknesses
JA8. Organizational Culture Case Study: EuropeRelocateX
Ci cd
Ci cd
Continuous Integration Vs Branching
Cs2203 database1
Cs2203 database1
Unit1: Databases and Relational Data Model
Unit 2: Conceptual Data Model
Unit 3: Relational Database Design
Unit 4: Introduction to SQL
Unit 5: DDL and DML Commands
Unit 6: Querying the Database using SQL
Unit 7: Database Programming
Unit 8: Database Development Process
Unit 9: Data integrity, Views
Cs2204 netwroks1
Cs2204 netwroks1
unit 1
Unit 6: Discussion assignment
unit 6: Journal
Unit 6
Unit 6: written assignment
cs2204: unit 7: Discussion Assignment
CS2204: unit 7: Journal
CS2204: unit 7: Written Assignment
CS2204: unit 8: Discussion Assignment
CS2204: unit 8: Journal Assignment
Cs2301 operating systems 1
Cs2301 operating systems 1
0. code
0. code
Ostep code
Ostep code
Cpu api
Cpu api
Cpu sched lottery
Cpu sched lottery
Dist intro
Dist intro
Threads api
Threads api
Threads bugs
Threads bugs
Threads cv
Threads cv
Threads intro
Threads intro
Threads locks
Threads locks
Threads sema
Threads sema
Vm intro
Vm intro
Ostep homework
Ostep homework
Cpu api
Cpu api
Cpu intro
Cpu intro
Cpu sched
Cpu sched
Cpu sched lottery
Cpu sched lottery
Cpu sched mlfq
Cpu sched mlfq
Cpu sched multi
Cpu sched multi
Dist afs
Dist afs
File disks
File disks
File ffs
File ffs
File implementation
File implementation
File integrity
File integrity
File journaling
File journaling
File lfs
File lfs
File raid
File raid
File ssd
File ssd
Threads api
Threads api
Threads bugs
Threads bugs
Threads cv
Threads cv
Threads intro
Threads intro
Threads locks
Threads locks
Threads sema
Threads sema
Vm beyondphys
Vm beyondphys
Vm beyondphys policy
Vm beyondphys policy
Vm freespace
Vm freespace
Vm mechanism
Vm mechanism
Vm paging
Vm paging
Vm segmentation
Vm segmentation
Vm smalltables
Vm smalltables
1. Introduction to Operating Systems
1. Introduction to Operating Systems
Fundamentals of OS
2. Abstraction and Process
2. Abstraction and Process
SysCalls and Process States
CS 2301 Operating Systems 1 - 2. Abstraction and Process - Writing Assignment 2
3. Scheduling
3. Scheduling
DA3. Scheduling algorithms
CFS: Completely fair process scheduling in Linux
WA3. Build a scheduler
4. Multiprocessor Scheduling and Abstraction
4. Multiprocessor Scheduling and Abstraction
OS or CPU, Which is in charge?
WA4. Explain multiprocessor scheduling and abstraction in layman’s terms.
5. Memory Management
5. Memory Management
DA5. Memory Leaks
JA5. Memory Fragmentation
WA5. Memory Management
6. Paging and Physical Memory
6. Paging and Physical Memory
DA6. Design a Memory Addressing System
WA6. Exploring the OS File System
7. Kernel and GUI
7. Kernel and GUI
DA7. Compare CLI and GUI
JA7. Linux shells
WA7. The Best OS
8. Command Shell
8. Command Shell
Your shell
Bash Scripting
Cs2401 software engineering 1
Cs2401 software engineering 1
1. Introduction to Software Engineering , SDLC
1. Introduction to Software Engineering , SDLC
WA1. Why software engineering is different and difficult
2. Software Requirements and Architecture
2. Software Requirements and Architecture
Users and Developers’ Roles in Requirements Elicitation Process
Non-functional requirements: verifying and acceptance tests
3. Use Case Modeling and UML
3. Use Case Modeling and UML
DA3. scenarios vs. use cases
WA3. Door open system
4. Analysis and Design
4. Analysis and Design
DA4. Importance of modeling
5. TDD and system specifications
5. TDD and system specifications
DA5. The Classic Triangle Testing Problem, (Myer’s Triangle)
WA5. Unit tests design methods
6. Software Measurement and Estimation
6. Software Measurement and Estimation
Product internal vs external attribute validation
Cyclomatic complexity
7. design patterns
7. design patterns
8. Software Reengineering, Documentation
8. Software Reengineering, Documentation
Cs3303 data structures
Cs3303 data structures
0. text
0. text
Extra resources
1. Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms
1. Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms
DA1. Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms
JA1. Learning Journal 1
2. Algorithm Analysis
2. Algorithm Analysis
DA2. Algorithm Analysis
JA2. Algorithm Analysis
3. Lists, Stacks, Queues, and Dictionaries
3. Lists, Stacks, Queues, and Dictionaries
DA3. Stack and Queue
JA3. Lists, Stacks, Queues, and Dictionaries
WA3. Stacks and Queues
4. Binary Trees
4. Binary Trees
DA4. Binary Trees
JA4. Binary Trees
WA4. Binary Tree Search Algorithm Assignment
5. Non Binary Trees
5. Non Binary Trees
DA5. Non Binary Trees
JA5. Non Binary Trees
6. Internal Sorting Techniques and Algorithms
6. Internal Sorting Techniques and Algorithms
DA6. Quick Sort
JA6. Sorting Algorithms
DA6. Quick Sort
7. File Processing and External Sorting
7. File Processing and External Sorting
DA7. File Processing and External Sorting
JA7. File Processing and External Sorting
8. Searching and Indexing
8. Searching and Indexing
DA8. Zipf Distribution
JA8. Searching and Indexing
Cs3304 analysis of algorithms
Cs3304 analysis of algorithms
1. Review of Data Structures and Algorithms
1. Review of Data Structures and Algorithms
DA1. Solving Recurrences
JA1. Learning Journal 1
Journal Questions
Cs3305 web2
Cs3305 web2
1. Introduction to Web 2.0 Technologies
1. Introduction to Web 2.0 Technologies
Web 1.0 VS Web 2.0
2. Compiling Server Software From Source
2. Compiling Server Software From Source
CS 3305 - Web Application Development 2 - Compiling Server Software From Source
3. Introduction to PHP
3. Introduction to PHP
PHP sites
5. eCommerce Applications
5. eCommerce Applications
DA5. ECommerce Applications
6. Joomla CMS
6. Joomla CMS
DA6. Analyze Joomla’s Developers Skill Sets
JA6. Joomla CMS Reflection
Play With Joomla CMS
7. Joomla Module Development
7. Joomla Module Development
DA7. Exploring the Joomla Modules
JA7. Joomla Module Development Reflection
WA7. Exploring Joomla Modules
8. Server Performance
8. Server Performance
J8. Server Performance
Cs3306 databases 2
Cs3306 databases 2
0. text
0. text
1. Principles: Introduction to Data models
1. Principles: Introduction to Data models
Two-tier and Three-tier Database Architectures
JA1. Databases in the real world
WA1. ER Diagrams
2. Principles: Transaction Management
2. Principles: Transaction Management
Transaction State
JA2. Database Recovery
WA2. Deadlocks
3. Application Development and Admin
3. Application Development and Admin
DA3. Caching Techniques in a Web Server
JA3. Databases in E-Commerce
4. Security Mechanisms
4. Security Mechanisms
DA4. Database security issues
JA4. Database security
5. Backup and Recovery
5. Backup and Recovery
DA5. Discuss a Backup Plan
JA. Learning Journal 5
WA5. Differential vs. Incremental Backups
6. Transact SQL Programming
6. Transact SQL Programming
DA6. workflows
7. Database Web Application Development
7. Database Web Application Development
DA7. Materialized Views
JA7. Advanced Database Web-Application Development
WA7. Classification Trees
8. Technology Trends and Databases
8. Technology Trends and Databases
JA8. Advanced Database Topics
Cs3307 operating systems 2
Cs3307 operating systems 2
1. Introduction and Concurrency I
1. Introduction and Concurrency I
DA1. Multiple Thread Execution
JA1. Learning Journal 1
2. Concurrency II
2. Concurrency II
JA2. Learning Journal 2
WA2. Linux commands
3. Concurrency III
3. Concurrency III
DA3. The Dining Philosophers’ Problem
JA3. Learning Journal 3
4. Persistence I
4. Persistence I
DA4. Advancement in I/O devices
JA5. Persistence 1
WA4. More Linux Commands
5. Persistence II
5. Persistence II
DA5. Advancements in File Systems
Linux file systems
WA5. Hard Links, Symbolic Links, Inodes, and File Systems
6. Persistence III
6. Persistence III
Data At-Rest Encryption
JA6. Persistence III
7. File Security
7. File Security
DA7. OS Security Flaws
JA7. File Security
WA7. System Security
8. Operating System Security
8. Operating System Security
Cs3308 information retrieval
Cs3308 information retrieval
1. Introduction to IR, Boolean Retrieval, and Terms and Postings
1. Introduction to IR, Boolean Retrieval, and Terms and Postings
DA1. Biword Index
JA1. Learning Journal 1
2. Dictionaries and Index Construction
2. Dictionaries and Index Construction
JA2. Spelling Correction
3. Index Compression
3. Index Compression
JA3. Learning Journal 3
4. Scoring, Term Weighting, and the Vector Space Model
4. Scoring, Term Weighting, and the Vector Space Model
DA4. IDF and Parametric vs Zone Indexes
JA4. Cosine Similarity between documents
5. Scoring and Ranking in a Complete Search System
5. Scoring and Ranking in a Complete Search System
DA5. Query Types Comparison
JA5. Learning Journal for Unit 5
6. Evaluation in Information Retrieval
6. Evaluation in Information Retrieval
WA6. Evaluation in Information Retrieval
JA6. Learning Journal for Unit 6
7. Introduction to Web Search
7. Introduction to Web Search
JA7. Learning Journal for Unit 7
8. Web Crawling
8. Web Crawling
JA8. Learning Journal 8
Cs3340 systems and applications security
Cs3340 systems and applications security
1. General Concepts of Cybersecurity
1. General Concepts of Cybersecurity
DA1. Cybersecurity and Cyber-attacks
JA1. Learning Journal 1
WA1. CIA Triad
(12) Network Security Tutorial | Introduction to Network Security | Network Security Tools | Edureka - YouTube
2. Cybersecurity Attacks and Countermeasures
2. Cybersecurity Attacks and Countermeasures
JA2. Cybersecurity Attacks and Countermeasures
WA2. QR code attacks
3. Access Control
3. Access Control
DA3. Biometric Authentication
JA3. Firewalls and Access Control
WA3. Intrusion Detection Systems
4. Encryption and Authentication
4. Encryption and Authentication
DA4. Email Security
JA4. Encryption and Authentication
WA4. Trends in Encryption
5. Web applications vulnerabilities and countermeasures Part 1
5. Web applications vulnerabilities and countermeasures Part 1
JA5. Safe Web Browsing
6. Web applications vulnerabilities and countermeasures Part 2
6. Web applications vulnerabilities and countermeasures Part 2
DA6. SQL injections
JA6. Web Application Vulnerabilities and Countermeasures
WA6. User education and User enumeration
7. Computer cloud security
7. Computer cloud security
DA7. Data breach case study
JA7. Cloud Computing Experience
WA7. Cloud providers comparison
8. Blockchain Applications in Cybersecurity
8. Blockchain Applications in Cybersecurity
DA8 - Blockchain Applications
JA8 - Blockchain Applications
Cs3440 big data
Cs3440 big data
1. Introduction to Big Data
1. Introduction to Big Data
DA1. What is Big Data?
JA1. Introduction to Big Data
WA1. The Vs of Big Data
2. Big Data Tools, Techniques, and Systems
2. Big Data Tools, Techniques, and Systems
DA2. MongoDB
JA2. Apache Spark vs. Apache Hadoop
WA2. Hadoop
3. Analytical Theories and Methods
3. Analytical Theories and Methods
DA3. Data Analysis Techniques
JA3. Principles of Data Clustering
4. Querying Big Data
4. Querying Big Data
DA4. Challenges in Querying Big Data
JA4. Apache Spark vs Hive SQL
WA4. Techniques for Querying Big Data
5. Big data and privacy
5. Big data and privacy
DA5. Medical vs E-Commerce Industry Security Requirements
JA5. Big data security
WA5. Big Data and Privacy
6. Using big data in business
6. Using big data in business
6. How businesses can use big data
JA6. Using Big Data in Business
7. Trends in Big data
7. Trends in Big data
DA7. Advanced Analytics Techniques
JA7. Artificial Intelligence and Big Data
WA7. MapReduce Assumptions
8. Future of Big Data
8. Future of Big Data
DA8. Predictive Analytics
JA8. Extract, Transform, Load (ETL) Process
Cs4402 comparative programming languages
Cs4402 comparative programming languages
0. text
0. text
Resources for CS4402 Comparative Programming Languages
1. Introduction to Programming Languages
1. Introduction to Programming Languages
DA1. Imperative Vs Non-Imperative Programming
JA1. Programming Languages
2. Elements of Programming Languages
2. Elements of Programming Languages
DA1. Compilers
JA1. Programming Languages
3. Data Types
3. Data Types
DA3. Data Types
JA3. Learning Journal Week 3
4. Control Structures and Subprograms
4. Control Structures and Subprograms
DA4. Control Structures and Subprograms
JA4. Learning Journal Week 4
5. Scripting Languages
5. Scripting Languages
5. Javascript vs PHP
JA5. Scripting languages
6. Object Oriented Programming
6. Object Oriented Programming
DA6. Generics and Open Recursion
7. Functional Programming
7. Functional Programming
DA6. Higher Order Functions and Lazy Evaluation
8. Logic Programming
8. Logic Programming
DA8. Applications of Logic Programming
JA8. Learning Journal 8
Cs4403 software engineering 2
Cs4403 software engineering 2
1. Project Planning
1. Project Planning
1. Project Planning
2. Learning application development
3. A Project Management Primer
ABC Video Rental Application
Project Manager Role
2. Project Initiation, Analysis and Design
2. Project Initiation, Analysis and Design
CH5. Organizational Reengineering and Enterprise Planning
CH6. Application Feasibility Analysis and Planning
Discuss: Implementation planning
ABC Video Rental System: Project plan
3. Process Oriented Analysis and Design
3. Process Oriented Analysis and Design
CH7: Process Oriented Analysis
CH8: Process Oriented Design
Analyze Structure Chart
Practice DFDs, context diagrams, data dictionaries
4. Data Oriented Design and Analysis
4. Data Oriented Design and Analysis
Data Oriented Analysis
5. Object Oriented Analysis
5. Object Oriented Analysis
Object Oriented Analysis
Object Oriented Design
WA5 software engineering 2
6. Implementation and Maintenance, Testing and Quality Assurance
6. Implementation and Maintenance, Testing and Quality Assurance
WA6 software engineering 2
WA6: Implementation and Maintenance, Testing and Quality Assurance
7. Change Management
7. Change Management
DA7: Change Management
Cs4404 advanced networking and data security
Cs4404 advanced networking and data security
1. Introduction to Network Security
1. Introduction to Network Security
DA1. Network Protocols and Security
JA1. Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability
2. Computer Network Operations
2. Computer Network Operations
DA2. VPNs Defined
JA2. Software Defined Networking (SDN) as a Network Traffic Engineering Technique
3. Quality of Service
3. Quality of Service
DA3. DiffServ and IntServ QoS Models
JA3. Traffic Shaping and Traffic Policing
4. Wireless Link Layer Protocols
4. Wireless Link Layer Protocols
DA4. Bluetooth vs Zigbee
JA4. MIMO Wi-Fi and WiMAX
5. Wireless Routing Protocols
5. Wireless Routing Protocols
DA5. Proactive vs Reactive Routing Protocols
JA5. Wireless Routing Protocols Security Threats
6. Secure Storage, Virtualization, and Cloud Computing
6. Secure Storage, Virtualization, and Cloud Computing
DA6. Cloud Computing Service Models
JA6. Future Data Storage Technologies
7. Securing Networks
7. Securing Networks
DA7. Wired vs Wireless LAN Security
JA7. The Future of Network Security
WA7. Securing WAN Networks
8. Emerging Innovations in Wireless Technologies
8. Emerging Innovations in Wireless Technologies
DA8. 5G vs 6G
JA8. Internet of Things (IoT)
Cs4405 mobile applications
Cs4405 mobile applications
0. text
0. text
CS4405 Mobile Applications
1. Introduction to Mobile Applications, Platforms, and Frameworks
1. Introduction to Mobile Applications, Platforms, and Frameworks
DA1. Future of Cross-Platform Mobile Development
JA1. Future of Mobile Application Development
WA1. Introduction to Mobile Applications, Platforms, and Frameworks
2. Getting Started with Android Development
2. Getting Started with Android Development
DA2. Kotlin Vs Java
JA3. Future of Android Development
3. Object Oriented Programming in Kotlin and Android User Interface
3. Object Oriented Programming in Kotlin and Android User Interface
DA3. Classes and Inheritance in Kotlin
WA3. Kotlin OOP
4. Android Development in Kotlin – Some Advance Concepts
4. Android Development in Kotlin – Some Advance Concepts
DA4. Data Persistence in Android using SQLite
JA4. Generic And Exception Handling
5. Getting Started with iOS Development
5. Getting Started with iOS Development
DA5. Pros and Cons of Becoming an iOS Developer
JA5. Why Swift?
6. Object Oriented Programming in Swift and iOS User Interface
6. Object Oriented Programming in Swift and iOS User Interface
DA6. UiKit vs SwiftUI
7. iOS Development in Swift – Some Advance Concepts
7. iOS Development in Swift – Some Advance Concepts
DA7. Data Persistence in iOS
8. Mobile Web Applications
8. Mobile Web Applications
DA8. Native vs. Web Mobile Applications
JA8. Mobile Web Applications
Cs4406 computer graphics
Cs4406 computer graphics
1. Introduction to Graphics
1. Introduction to Graphics
DA1. Introduction to Computer Graphics
2. Principles of Graphics Modeling
2. Principles of Graphics Modeling
DA2. Mesh
JA2. Learning Journal 2
WA2. Polygon with 5 Vertices
3. Color and Blending
3. Color and Blending
DA3. Alpha Channel and Transparency
JA3. Learning Journal 3
WA3. Bouncing Torus Knot
4. Lighting, Shading and Texture Mapping
4. Lighting, Shading and Texture Mapping
DA4. Discussion: Lighting, Shading, and Texture Mapping
JA4. Textured Cube
5. The Rendering Pipeline and Event Handling
5. The Rendering Pipeline and Event Handling
DA5. Event Handlers and Callbacks
JA5. Learning Journal 5
WA5. Chemical Molecule
6. Dynamics and Animation
6. Dynamics and Animation
DA6. Hey Deer! Movie Analysis
JA6. Learning Journal 6
WA6. Solar System S
7. Interpolation and Spline Modeling
7. Interpolation and Spline Modeling
DA7. Bézier Splines
JA7. Learning Journal 7
WA7. Function Graphing Tool
8. Per Pixel Operations
8. Per Pixel Operations
DA8. Ray Tracing
JA8. Learning Journals 8
Cs4407 data mining and machine learning
Cs4407 data mining and machine learning
1. Introduction to Data Mining and Machine Learning
1. Introduction to Data Mining and Machine Learning
DA1. Supervised VS Unsupervised Learning
JA1. Introduction
2. Tools and Technologies for Data Mining and Machine Learning
2. Tools and Technologies for Data Mining and Machine Learning
DA2. Hadoop
JA1. Introduction
WA2. Databases for analytics
3. Regression
3. Regression
DA3. Regression Limits
JA3. Regression
4. Classification
4. Classification
JA4 - Classification
DA4. Normalization vs Standardization
5. Decision Trees
5. Decision Trees
JA5. Decision Trees
6. Artificial Neural Networks – Part 1
6. Artificial Neural Networks – Part 1
DA6. Artificial Neural Networks – Part
JA6. Neural Networks
7. Artificial Neural Networks – Part 2
7. Artificial Neural Networks – Part 2
JA7. Neural Networks – Part 2
WA7. Reflection on Artificial Neural Networks
8. Unsupervised Learning – Clustering
8. Unsupervised Learning – Clustering
DA8. Hierarchical Clustering
JA8. Unsupervised Learning – Clustering
Cs4408 artificial intelligence
Cs4408 artificial intelligence
1. Fundamentals of AI
1. Fundamentals of AI
DA1. Self Driving Car Model
Learning Journal Questions
JA1. Learning Journal 1
Data structures
Data structures
Binary search trees
data structures
Disjoint Sets
Hash Tables
Linked Lists
priority queue
Design patterns
Design patterns
Econ1580 introduction to economics
Econ1580 introduction to economics
1. Economics: The Study of Choice & Confronting Scarcity: Choices in Production
1. Economics: The Study of Choice & Confronting Scarcity: Choices in Production
DA1. European Union
JA1. Student Scenario: Scarcity and Opportunity Cost
2. Demand and Supply & Elasticity: A Measure of Response
2. Demand and Supply & Elasticity: A Measure of Response
WA2. Elasticity of Demand
3. The Analysis of Consumer Choice & Production and Cos
3. The Analysis of Consumer Choice & Production and Cos
DA3. Cigarette Tax
JA3. Law of Diminishing Returns
WA3. Production and Cost
4. Competitive Markets for Goods and Services & Monopoly
4. Competitive Markets for Goods and Services & Monopoly
DA4. Perfect Competition
JA4. MonoPoly Establishment
5. The World of Imperfect Competition & Macroeconomics: The Big Picture
5. The World of Imperfect Competition & Macroeconomics: The Big Picture
DA5. Monopolistic Competition Exercise
JA5. The New Keynesian Economics
WA5. Unemployment Rate
6. Measuring Total Output and Income & Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply
6. Measuring Total Output and Income & Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply
DA6. National Income Accounting
JA6. The Impact of a Change in the Savings Rate on the Output
WA6. Multiplier Effect and Real GDP Change
7. Economic Growth & The Nature and Creation of Money
7. Economic Growth & The Nature and Creation of Money
DA7- GDP Growth Rates
JA7- Real-Business-Cycle (RBC) Theory
WA7- Money Supply Expansion
8. Monetary Policy and the Fed & Government and Fiscal Policy
8. Monetary Policy and the Fed & Government and Fiscal Policy
JA8. Fiscal Policy and its Effects on GDP
Git config
Git quick command reference
Hist1421 greek and roman civilization
Hist1421 greek and roman civilization
1. Origins of Athenian Democracy
1. Origins of Athenian Democracy
DA1. Compare Athenian and Modern Democracy
JA1. Greek Philosophers and Democracy
WA1. Compare and Contrast: Athenian and Spartan Government Structures
2. Society, Art, Architecture and Religion in Greek City states
2. Society, Art, Architecture and Religion in Greek City states
DA2. Athens and Sparta
JA2. Religion in Greek Society
WA2. Classical Greece and Modern Western Society
3. Causes and Consequences of Greek Wars
3. Causes and Consequences of Greek Wars
DA3. Results of the Greco-Persian Wars
JA3. The Peloponnesian War
4. Democracy in Rome
4. Democracy in Rome
DA4. Etruscans and Romans
JA4. Decline of the Roman Republic
WA4. Establishment and Elements of the Roman Republic
5. Roman Wars and Conquests
5. Roman Wars and Conquests
DA5. Rome vs. Sparta
JA5. Roman Conquest of Syria and Egypt
WA5. Rome and Macedon
6. Roman Society
6. Roman Society
DA6. Education in Roman vs Syrian Society
JA6. Greek vs Roman Society
7. Roman Religion, Art, Architecture and Philosophy
7. Roman Religion, Art, Architecture and Philosophy
DA7. Roman Religion Borrowing from Greek Religion
JA7. Roman Religion, Art, Architecture and Philosophy
8. Greco Roman Civilization: Foundation for the development of the Modern world
8. Greco Roman Civilization: Foundation for the development of the Modern world
DA8. The Present Era is a Better Time to be Alive Compared to the Ancient Period in History
JA8. Greco-Roman Influence on Modern Culture
Interview prepration
Interview prepration
Js general
Interview Preperation
Self Introduction
Date and Time
General JS
Math1211 calculus
Math1211 calculus
1. Functions and Graphs: Polynomial, Rational, Exponential, Logarithm, and Trigonometric Functions
1. Functions and Graphs: Polynomial, Rational, Exponential, Logarithm, and Trigonometric Functions
JA1. Overcoming Struggle
2. Limits and Continuity Limit of a function, Limit laws, Continuity
2. Limits and Continuity Limit of a function, Limit laws, Continuity
JA2. Limits
3. Derivative of a function, Derivative rules of Algebraic, and Trigonometric Functions
3. Derivative of a function, Derivative rules of Algebraic, and Trigonometric Functions
JA3. Derivation
4. The Chain Rule and Implicit Differentiation
4. The Chain Rule and Implicit Differentiation
DA4. Differentiation Rules
JA4. More Differentiation Exercises
5. Derivatives of Inverse Functions, Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
5. Derivatives of Inverse Functions, Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
DA5. Logarithmic Differentiation
JA5. Logarithmic Differentiation
WA5. Derivatives of Inverse Functions, Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
6. Applications of Derivatives, Extreme Values of Functions, and the Mean Value Theorem
6. Applications of Derivatives, Extreme Values of Functions, and the Mean Value Theorem
DA5. Related Rates Problems
WA6. Applications of Derivatives, Extreme Values of Functions, and the Mean Value Theorem
7. Newton’s Method, Antiderivative, and L'Hopital's Rule
7. Newton’s Method, Antiderivative, and L'Hopital's Rule
DA7. Newton’s Method to find square root
JA7. An interesting problem
8. Indefinite Integrals, Definite Integrals, and Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
8. Indefinite Integrals, Definite Integrals, and Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
JA8. Exercises on Integration
Math1280 statistics
Math1280 statistics
DA3. Identify Population
DA4. Probabilities
DA5. Exponential distribution in real-life
DA6. Invalidate Normal Distribution Approximation
DA7. Validate Politian Claim
DA8. CLT and Large Numbers
WA8. Estimating the Expectation
Math1281 statistical inference
Math1281 statistical inference
1. Foundations for Inference & Introduction to JASP
1. Foundations for Inference & Introduction to JASP
JA1. Exercises
2. Hypothesis Testing and Inference for categorical data
2. Hypothesis Testing and Inference for categorical data
DA2. Hypothesis Testing Exercises
JA2. Hypothesis testing Exercises
3. Testing for goodness of fit and Independence
3. Testing for goodness of fit and Independence
DA3. Testing for Independence
WA3. Testing for Independence Exercises
4. Inference for numerical data
4. Inference for numerical data
DA4. Paired and Unpaired Data
5. Power Calculations and ANOVA
5. Power Calculations and ANOVA
DA5. Power Calculations
6. Introduction to Linear Regression
6. Introduction to Linear Regression
7. Linear Regression Inference and multiple regression
7. Linear Regression Inference and multiple regression
8. Logistic Regression
8. Logistic Regression
DA8. Challenges of diagnostic plots
Math1302 discrete mathematics
Math1302 discrete mathematics
0. text
0. text
MATH 1302: Discrete Mathematics
1. Set Theory and Basics of Counting
1. Set Theory and Basics of Counting
JA1. More on Sets
WA1. Set Exercises
2. Functions and Sequences
2. Functions and Sequences
DA2. Exercises on Functions
JA2. Functions And Sequences
3. Combinatorics
3. Combinatorics
DA3. Combinatorics
JA3. Combinatorics
4. Recursion and Solutions of Recurrence Relations
4. Recursion and Solutions of Recurrence Relations
DA4. Recurrence Relations
JA4. Recursion and Solutions of Recurrence Relations
WA4. Recurrence Relations
5. Introduction to Logic
5. Introduction to Logic
DA5. Detectives and Logic
JA5. Logic
WA5. Logic
6. Partial Ordering and Mathematical Induction
6. Partial Ordering and Mathematical Induction
DA6. Equivalence, Partial Ordering, and Congruence mod m
7. Graph Theory
7. Graph Theory
8. Introduction to Algebraic Structures
8. Introduction to Algebraic Structures
DA8. Abelian Group
JA8. Algebraic Structures
MYSQL on windows
process.stdout, process.stdin
Phil 1402 introduction to philosophy
Phil 1402 introduction to philosophy
1. Welcome to Philosophy
1. Welcome to Philosophy
DA1. Schools of thought in Philosophy
JA1. Learning Journal 1
WA1. Realist Thinkers: Thomas Hobbes
2. Metaphysics
2. Metaphysics
DA2. Charles Simic and Time Travel Paradox
JA2. Metaphysical Thinking
WA2. Charles Simic
3. Philosophy of Religion
3. Philosophy of Religion
DA3. Belief Systems and Free Will
JA3. Learning Journal 3
4. Social and Political Philosophy
4. Social and Political Philosophy
DA4. Plato, Aristotle, and Thomas Aquinas
JA4. Learning Journal 4
WA4. Personal world view
5. Ethics and Morality
5. Ethics and Morality
DA5. Kantian Ethics, Huckleberry Finn, and Categorical Imperative
JA5. Homosexuality against Islamic Belief
6. Epistemology
6. Epistemology
JA6. Learning Journal 6
WA6. Thomas Hobbes’s View of Truth
7. Philosophers of the World, Part 1
7. Philosophers of the World, Part 1
DA7. Philosophers of the World, Part 1
JA7. Learning Journal 7
JA7. Voltaire
8. Philosophers of the World, Part 2
8. Philosophers of the World, Part 2
DA8. Thomas Jefferson
JA8. Thomas Jefferson
Phil 1404 ethics and social responsibility
Phil 1404 ethics and social responsibility
1. Introduction, Business Ethics & Economic Relevance
1. Introduction, Business Ethics & Economic Relevance
DA1. Animal Rights and Corporate Social Responsibility
WA1. The Equifax Data Breach
2. Ancient and Modern Theories of Ethics, Virtue Ethics, Rights & Duties in the Business Context
2. Ancient and Modern Theories of Ethics, Virtue Ethics, Rights & Duties in the Business Context
DA2. Justice
3. Culture and Business Ethics, Social Entrepreneurship & Organizational Integrity
3. Culture and Business Ethics, Social Entrepreneurship & Organizational Integrity
DA3. Organic Food
WA3. Dress Codes and Business Ethics
4. Employees Ethics, Workplace Environment & Company Loyalty
4. Employees Ethics, Workplace Environment & Company Loyalty
DA4. Insider Trading and Fiduciary Duty
JA4. Non-Compete Agreements
5. Organizational Stakeholders, Fair Trade, Environmental and Social Responsibility
5. Organizational Stakeholders, Fair Trade, Environmental and Social Responsibility
DA5. Fair Trade and Organizational Stakeholders
WA5. Fair Trade: Coffee and Consumers
6. Inclusion, Diversity, Environmental Sustainability & Animal Rights
6. Inclusion, Diversity, Environmental Sustainability & Animal Rights
DA6. Ethical Duty to Pay a Decent Living Wage
JA6. Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)
7. Professional Ethics, Work Environments & Marketing Ethics
7. Professional Ethics, Work Environments & Marketing Ethics
DA7. Building Campus in Inner City vs Suburbs or Country
WA7. Job-Sharing
8. Corporate Responsibility, Environmental Sustainability, & Business Ethics
8. Corporate Responsibility, Environmental Sustainability, & Business Ethics
DA8. Individual and Corporate Responsibility for Environmental Sustainability
JA8. Enhancing Livelihoods
Pols1503 globalization
Pols1503 globalization
1. Introduction to Globalization
1. Introduction to Globalization
WA1. Globalization
2. Global Economic Development
2. Global Economic Development
DA2. IMF, World Bank, and MDGs
3. Globalization for Human Rights
3. Globalization for Human Rights
WA3. Religion and Human Rights
4. Technology and Globalization
4. Technology and Globalization
DA4. Technology and Globalization
5. Development and Globalization
5. Development and Globalization
WA5. Development and Globalization
6. Culture and Globalization
6. Culture and Globalization
JA6. Culture and Globalization
7. Poverty and Inequality
7. Poverty and Inequality
JA7. Poverty and Inequality
8. Health and Globalization
8. Health and Globalization
DA8. Health and Globalization
Programming languages
Programming languages
GoLang Docs
Psyc1205 emotional intelligence
Psyc1205 emotional intelligence
1. What is Emotional Intelligence?
1. What is Emotional Intelligence?
DA1. Emotional Intelligence
Software development cycle
Software development cycle
Agile process
programming terminoloy
Open Telemetry
Shel scripting
Typescript essentials
Typescript essentials
JS: primer
TS1: Basics
TS2: Intermediate
TS3: Objects
TS4: classes
TS5: Generic Types
Understanding typescript
Understanding typescript
Advanced Types
TS Classes
TS decorators
Design patterns in TypeScript
Generic types
TS Interfaces
JS objects
React TS
TS good resources
TSConfig file
TS type declarations
Fonts I like
Progressive Web Apps PWA
list of live projects:
Useful links
Useful links
Object Oriented Design
we need to design for people, hardware, software and data.
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