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CS4408 Artificial Intelligence


  1. Fundamentals of AI
  2. Agents
  3. Problem Solving Through Search
  4. Features and Constraints
  5. Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
  6. Reasoning Under Uncertainty
  7. Planning
  8. Multi-Agent Systems
  9. Course Review and Final Exam


Task Number Percentage of Final Grade Per Item
Discussions 8 15% 1.875%
Assignments 4 20% 5%
Journals 8 15% 1.875%
Graded Quiz 2 20% 10%
Final Exam 1 30% 30%


  1. Define artificial intelligence and its characteristics.
  2. Describe both the Turing Test and the Chinese Room as tests of intelligence.
  3. Define the structure, types, characteristics, and behaviors of agents.
  4. Demonstrate familiarity with search algorithms as a problem-solving strategy.
    • Uninformed search
    • Informed search or Heuristics
    • A* search
    • Min-max algorithm
  5. Demonstrate familiarity with constraint satisfaction problems (CSP).
  6. Demonstrate familiarity with Knowledge representation and reasoning concepts including propositional and predicate logic.
  7. Explain the role and application of probability in reasoning.
  8. Define approaches to planning both with certainty and uncertainty.
