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WA7. Adaptive Traits


An adaptation or adaptive trait is a trait/characteristic that has evolved in a population of organisms which provides a functional advantage. Adaptations increase the biological fitness of a population. Fitness is defined as the ability to survive and pass genes on to subsequent generations.

For the purposes of this assignment, you are to choose an adaptive trait common to more than one species. For example, birds and bats both have wings. Write a 2-3 page (500 – 750 words, 12 point font) paper including the following elements. Be sure to compose your work with your own words. Do not copy and paste from any source.

  • Describe what makes this trait an adaptation.
  • Briefly describe how the trait evolved; e.g., mutation, genetic drift, migration and/or natural selection. Be sure to support your answer with evidence.
  • What is the difference between homologous and analogous traits? How does your trait of choice fit either of these descriptions?
  • What is convergent and divergent evolution? Describe whether the trait is a result of convergent or divergent evolution.

Use in-text citation and provide source references for at least 3 sources. The textbook can be one source. Check all content for grammar, spelling and be sure that you have properly cited all resources (in APA format) used. Refer to the UoPeople APA Tutorials in the LRC for help with APA citations.



Adaptation is a heritable trait or behavior in an organism that aids in its survival and reproduction in its present environment (Rye et al., 2016, p.787). Nocturnal lifestyle is an adaptive trait seen in various animal species such as owls and raccoons. This trait primarily involves activity during the nighttime and has numerous benefits, including reduced competition for resources and lowered risk from daytime predators (National Geographic, 2019). This essay will discuss the Nocturnal lifestyle as an adaptive trait in both owls and raccoons.

Describe what makes this trait an adaptation.

Most predators are active during the daytime, thus staying in a safe place during the day and being active at night is an effective way to avoid predators. Owls pray on small mammals, like mice, while raccoons prey on small animals, insects, and fruits, thus their food is also active at night. Both finding food and avoiding predators increases the ability of owls and raccoons to survive and reproduce, thus the nocturnal lifestyle is an adaptive trait.

How the trait evolved.

The nocturnal lifestyle is an adaptive trait that evolved through natural selection. Natural selection is the process by which organisms that are better adapted to their environment tend to survive and reproduce more than others (Rye et al., 2016, p.787). In an environment where there is too much competition for food and too many predators in daytime; individuals that had developed the nocturnal lifestyle were more likely to survive and reproduce, thus passing on their genes to the next generation. Over time, the nocturnal lifestyle became more common in the population (Passarotto et al., 2018).

Homologous and analogous traits.

Homologous traits are characteristics inherited from a common ancestor, while analogous traits are similar functions that developed without a common ancestor to pass it through (Rey et al., 2016, p.518). The nocturnal lifestyle in owls and raccoons would be considered an analogous trait as they have evolved this lifestyle independently to adapt to their specific environmental niches.

Convergent and divergent evolution.

Divergent evolution means that two or more species evolved from a common ancestor to evolve different traits that changed the species completely (species are becoming more different), while convergent evolution means that two or more species evolved similar traits independently that made them closer to each other (Rey et al., 2016, p.472). The nocturnal lifestyle in owls and raccoons would be considered a convergent evolution as both species are different but developed the nocturnal lifestyle independently to adapt to changes in their environment.


The nocturnal lifestyle is an adaptive trait that evolved through natural selection. It is an analogous trait that evolved independently through a convergent evolution. Despite being very different species, owls and raccoons have developed the nocturnal lifestyle in response to changes in their environment and thus, increase their chances of survival and reproduction.
