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  • alawys start by this command to start the defaul machine
 docker-machine start default


  • if your using docker virtualbox make sure you open virtualbox and the machine is working while you are using the cmd
  • you will not find your server on http://localhost:port or you will find it on
  • docker images are like environments. ex: node.js
  • docker containers are your own projects that are built on a specific image.
  • when you create a container, if the image is not preveously downloaded on your machine it’s going to be downloaded from docker hub.
  • docker container run <-d | -it> -p <our_local_port>:<virtual_port_for_this_image> <image>
  • docker volume is a way to pull a continer into your local file system and start editing it.


  • docker version: show docker version
  • docker info: show server and client info
  • docker container run -it -p 80:80 <nginx> : create and run and publish docker container of enginx server on port 80 \(default\) in the foreground.
  • docker container run -d -p 8080:80 --name <container_name> <image>: create and run a container in the background
  • docker container < ls | ps >: list all running containers.
  • docker container ls -a : list all containers wether they are running or not
  • docker container rm <container_id>: delete a container with the id of :container_id from your system.
  • docker images: list all images on your machine
  • docker pull <image_name> : download the <image_name> fromdocker hub`
  • docker stop <container_id>: stop a running container.
  • docker ps: list all running containers.
  • docker container run -d -p 3306:3306 --name <my_name> --env MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=<pass> mysql : create mysql container with env variables which is password.
  • docker container rm <contaier_name | container_id> -f: remove a running container.
  • docker container exec -it mynginx bash: open the container file system interactively into bash command line
  • create a volume and grap the files into your local machine

docker container run -d -p 8080:80 -v /${pwd}://usr/share/nginx/html --name nginxwebsite nginx

make sure to use extra / before your 2 paths as /${pwd} and //usr/share/nginx/hhtml on windows.

  • push the current container to docker hub:
     docker push <username>/<repo_name>

Edit contianer files

  • Edit files of nginx container on the fly
  > docker container exec -it mynginx bash
  > ls
  > cd usr/share/nginx
  • create a volume and grap the files into your local machine
 docker container run -d -p 8080:80 -v /${pwd}://usr/share/nginx/html --name nginxwebsite nginx

make sure to use extra / before your 2 paths as /${pwd} and //usr/share/nginx/hhtml on windows.


  • commands:

     > docker-machine ls // list all machines
     > docker-machine start default // starts the default machine
     > docker-machine stop default //stops the default machine