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Disjoint Sets

Naive Implementations

  • pdf docs
  • A disjoint-set data structure supports the following operations:
  • MakeSet\(x\) creates a singleton set {x}
  • Find\(x\) returns ID of the set containing x:
    • if x and y lie in the same set, then Find(x) = Find(y)
    • otherwise, Find\(x\) ̸= Find\(y\)
  • Union\(x, y\) merges two sets containing x and y
  • union psedo:
Union(i, j):
i_id  Find(i)
j_id  Find(j)
if i_id = j_id:
m  min(i_id, j_id)
for k from 1 to n:
if smallest[k] in {i_id, j_id}:
smallest[k]  m
  • we can do the implementaion with: linked lists
  • id is the tail of each set.
  • with time, sets is going to be longer and longer.

    linked lists * better solution \(chaeper\) using: trees of linked lists * id \(tail\) is the same for the 2 sets, after calling union().

    trees of linked lists

Disjoint Sets: Efficient Implementations

  • when merging \(calling union()\) on 2 trees, we choose to put the shortest\(least hieght\) tree under the longer tree, so the resulting tree as munch shallow as possible.


unoin by Rank

  • To quickly find a height of a tree, we will keep the height of each subtree in an array rank[1 . . . n]: rank[i] is the height of the subtree whose root is i.
  • now we have 2 arrays:
  • id: showing the root of each element in each subtree.
  • rank: showing the hieght of the tree that this element belongs to.
  • we also call this processure: union by rank heuristic
  • union psedo with rank:
Union(i, j)
i_id  Find(i)
j_id  Find(j)
if i_id = j_id:
if rank[i_id] > rank[j_id]:
parent[j_id]  i_id
parent[i_id]  j_id
if rank[i_id] = rank[j_id]:
rank[j_id]  rank[j_id] + 1

path compression

  • we introduce another array, that will attatch every element to it’s final root. so this will save us time in the future.
  • now we have 3 arrays:
  • id: showing the root of the subtree of each element, then the final root of each subtree.
  • rank: showing the hieght of the tree that this element belongs to.
  • roots: showing the final roots for each single element.