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WA5. IOS Development 1

Task 1

Install Xcode on your machine and share screenshots of all the steps of installation.

I did not face any difficulties with task as I have XCode installed already as I did some work last year; thus the screenshots below inlcudes the welcome screen and a playground project I created while learning Swift.

Task 2

Write a function (which you may name as siftBeans(fromGroceryList:)) that takes a grocery list (as an array of strings) and ‘sifts out’ the beans from the other grocery items.

Input: groceryList = ["green beans","milk","black beans","pinto beans","apples"]

Output should be : ["green beans","black beans","pinto beans"]

let groceryList = ["green beans","milk","black beans","pinto beans","apples"]

func siftBeans(_ fromGroceryList: [String]) -> [String]{
    var containBeans: [String] = [] // temporary array to store strings containing "beans"

    fromGroceryList.forEach{el in // for each element in the array
        if (el.lowercased().contains("beans")) {

   return containBeans

let beans = siftBeans(groceryList)

And the result is in the screenshot below:

Task 3

Explain functions in swift and different types of functions – functions without parameters, functions with multiple parameters, functions without return values, and functions with multiple return values. Give examples for each type.

  • Functions are self-contained chunks of code that perform a specific task. Swift supports no parameters, named parameters, labeled parameters, default parameters, in-out parameters, nested functions.
  • Parameters are named and typed values that functions accept as input when they are called. Swift passes parameters by value by default, unless you specify in-out parameters.
  • Functions can also return a value of a specified type. If the function does not return a value, its return type is Void. Void return type can be omitted from the function declaration.
  • Both parameters and return values are optional.

Functions without parameters

  • Functions that do not take any input parameters are called functions without parameters, they still can return a value.
  • Calling such function requires empty parentheses after the function name.
func sayHelloWorld() -> String { // no parameters, with return type
    return "Hello, world!"

print(sayHelloWorld()) // calling the function
function sayHelloWorld() { // no parameters, no return type
    print("Hello, world!")

sayHelloWorld() // calling the function

Functions with multiple parameters

  • Functions can have multiple input parameters, which are declared within the function’s parentheses along with their type annotations, separated by commas.
  • Parameters can be named, unnamed, or labeled.
    • Named: parameters names must be provided when the function is called; along with the parameters value.
    • Labeled: parameters labels must be provided when the function is called; along with the parameters value; these labels are names that are used to identify arguments passed to a function.
    • Unnamed: By using the _ character as label, the parameter names can be omitted; however, the order that the parameters are passed is important.
func namedParameters(name: String, age: Int) -> String {
    return "Hello, \(name), you are \(age) years old!"

// named parameters, order does not matter
print(namedParameters(name: "John", age: 21))

func labeledParameters(n name: String, a age: Int) -> String {
    return "Hello, \(name), you are \(age) years old!"

// labeled parameters, label names were used instead of parameter names
print(labeledParameters(n: "John", a: 21))

func unnamedParameters(_ name: String, _ age: Int) -> String {
    return "Hello, \(name), you are \(age) years old!"

 // unnamed parameters, order matters as the first maps `name` and the second maps `age`
print(unnamedParameters("John", 21))

Functions without return values

  • As we mentioned, functions with no return type are declared using the special return type Void or by omitting the return type declaration altogether.
  • Functions without return values are called procedures, and they usually perform side effects thus they are not pure functions and can not be assigned to a variable.
  • Procedures are usually not recommended in modern programming languages as they are bug prune and hard to test; but they are suitable as entry points to the program or event handlers.
  • Performing side effects -usually- involve closures or in-out(aka, passing by reference to work)
var globalCounter = 0
func incrementGlobalCounter () { // no parameters, no return type
    globalCounter += 1

print(globalCounter) // 2

Functions with multiple return values

  • Functions that return values can be assigned to a variable, and Tuples are used to capture multiple return values from a function.
func findMinAndMax(arr: [Int])-> (Int, Int) {
    let min = arr.min() ?? 0; // default to 0, as min() may return nil
    let max = arr.max() ?? 0; // default to 0, as max() may return nil
    return (min, max)

let array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
let (min, max) = findMinAndMax(arr: array) // tuple (1, 10)
print(min,max) // 1  10
