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Data Models

1. Introduction 1

  • DBMS. A database-management system (DBMS) is a collection of interrelated data and a set of programs to access those data.
  • Database. A database is a collection of related data.
  • Before DBMS, data was stored in files, and file-processing systems were used to access the data, but these systems have a number of disadvantages:
    • Data redundancy and inconsistency.
    • Difficulty in accessing data.
    • Data isolation: files may have different formats that are not compatible with each other, which isolates information stored in them from the rest of the system.
    • Integrity problems: difficult to apply integrity constraints.
    • Atomicity problems: difficult to ensure that a transaction is atomic; upon failure, the whole transaction must be rolled back to the state before the transaction started.
    • Concurrent access problems: difficult to ensure that concurrent transactions do not interfere with each other.
    • Security problems: difficult to ensure that only authorized users can access only the data they are authorized to access.
  • DBMSs solve most of the problems mentioned above.

1.3 View of Data

  • a major purpose of a DBMS is to provide an abstract view of data while hiding the details of how these data are stored and accessed.
  • Data abstraction:
    • Physical layer: describes how the data are stored and the complex low-level data structures that are used to store data. Used by DBMS developers.
    • Logical layer: describes what the data are and the relationships among them. Used by DBAs.
    • View Level: the highest level of abstraction, describes only part of the entire database. Used by end users.
  • Instances and schemas:
    • Instance: the collection of information stored in the database at a particular moment. Frequently changed.
    • Schema: the overall design of the database is called the database. Infrequently changed. Every layer has its own schema:
      • Physical schema: describes the schema at the physical level.
      • Logical schema: describes the schema at the logical level. This is the most important one since it is the one we interact with as DBAs or programmers.
      • View schema: also called subschema, describes the schema at the view level, which varies according to the view of the data that is required by the user.

1.4 Data Models

  • The Data model, is a collection of conceptual tools for describing data, data relationships, data semantics, and consistency constraints. models:
    • Entity-Relationship (ER) model.
    • Relational model.
    • Object-oriented model.
    • Object-relational model.
    • Semi-structured data model.
  • ER model:
    • ER is based on the concept of entities and relationships among entities.
    • An entity is an object or thing that maps to a real-world object. Entities have attributes, which are properties of the entity.
    • A relationship is an association among entities. For example, a depositor is a relationship between a customer with his/her account.
    • Entity set. is a collection of entities of the same type. Relationship set. is a collection of relationships of the same type.
    • ER Diagram:
      • Rectangles: entity sets.
      • Ellipses: attributes.
      • Diamonds: relationship sets.
      • Lines: connect entities to attributes, and relationships to entities.
  • Relational model:
    • The relational model is based on the concept of relations (or tables) where each table has columns (attributes) and rows (tuples).
    • The relational model is lower level than ER Model; that’s why DB designs are carried out in ER model and then translated to the relational model.
  • Object Oriented model:
    • Extends the ER model with notions of encapsulation, methods, and object identity.
  • Object-relational model:
    • Combines relational and object-oriented models.
  • Semi-structured data model:
    • Allows items of the same type to have different attributes; in contrast with the other models, where all items of the same type must have the same attributes.
    • Extensible markup language (XML) is an example of a semi-structured data model.
  • Other data models:
    • Network data model.
    • Hierarchical data model.
    • The two models above are not widely used, since they were closely tied to the underlying implementation and made data modeling difficult.

1.5 Database Languages

  • Data Definition Language (DDL):
    • Defines the database schema, where it creates/modifies table structure and updates DBMS metadata.
    • DDL contains:
      • Data storage definition.
      • Consistency constraints.
  • Data Manipulation Language (DML):
    • Includes: Retrieve, Insert, Update, Delete.
    • DML has 2 types:
      • Procedural DMLs: user must specify what data is needed and how to get it.
      • Declarative DMLs: user only specifies what data is needed, and the DBMS decides how to get it.
    • SQL is an example of a declarative DML.
    • A query is a statement written in a Query Language to retrieve data from a database.
  • Application programs are programs that are used to interact with the database. Application programs are usually written in a host language, such as Cobol, C, C++, or Java. 2 ways to interact with the database:
    • API: The DBMS provides sets of procedures (APIs) that applications can use to send DDL and DML statements to the DBMS. examples: JDBC (java), ODBC (c lang).
    • Extending the host language, The DBMS provides a precompiler that translates the host language statements into DBMS statements.
  • Database Users:
    • Naive users are usually the end-users, who invoke application programs that in turn invoke the DBMS. end users.
    • Applications programmers are programmers who write application programs that use the DBMS. developers
    • Sophisticated users are programmers who write programs that use the DBMS to access data directly, they interact with the query processor directly. analysts
    • Specialized users are sophisticated users that write special DBMS programs or non-traditional applications that use the DBMS. DBAs

1.6 Transaction management

  • Atomicity, all or none, if one operation fails, the whole transaction must be rolled back. Integrity.
  • Consistency, the database must be in a consistent state before and after the transaction. Correctness.
  • Durability, once a transaction is committed, the changes made by the transaction must be permanent. Persistence.
  • Ensuring the atomicity, consistency, and durability of a transaction is the responsibility of the database itself (transaction manager component).
  • Failure Recovery, the database must detect failures and restore its state before the failure occurred.
  • The concurrency control manager component of the DBMS ensures that the database is in a consistent state even when multiple transactions are executed concurrently.

1.7 Database system architecture

  • The database system is portioned into modules each performing a set of tasks.
  • The main two components are the storage manager and query processor.
  • Storage manager:
    • Provides an interface between the low-level data stored in DB and application programs or queries submitted to the system.
    • Interacts with the file manager which stores data on disk using the OS file system.
    • Translates DML statements into low-level file system commands.
    • Responsible for storing, retrieving, and updating data.
    • Components:
      • Authorization and integrity manager. checks for authority and integrity constraints.
      • Transaction Manager. ensures that transactions are atomic, consistent, and durable along with failure recovery.
      • File manager. manages the physical storage of data on disk along with the data structures that represent this data.
      • Buffer manager. manages the memory and decides which data to cache in memory versus which data to store on disk.
    • Data Structure:
      • Data Files. the files that store the actual data.
      • Data Dictionary. contains metadata about the database.
      • Indices. are data structures that speed up data retrieval.
  • Query Processor:
    • Translates queries into low-level commands that the storage manager can execute.
    • Components:
      • DDL interpreter.
      • DML compiler translates DML statements written in a query language into an evaluation plan consisting of low-level instructions that the query evaluation engine can understand.
      • Query Optimizer. determines the best way to execute a query.
      • Query Evaluation Engine. executes the evaluation plan.


1.8 Database History

  • 1950s-1960s:
    • Magnetic tapes or Punch cards were used to store data.
    • Reading data must be done sequentially.
  • 1970s:
    • Hard disks were introduced.
    • Sequential access was replaced by random access from hard disks.
    • The Relational model was introduced.
  • 1980s:
    • The relational model was implemented in DBMSs.
    • Relational databases were so easy to use that they eventually replaced network/hierarchical databases.
  • 1990s:
    • SQL was introduced to support decision support applications, which are query intensive as opposed to transaction processing applications which are update intensive.
    • Distributed and parallel databases were introduced.
    • Adapt to the Internet (no downtime for maintenance, no single point of failure, higher transaction rates, etc.).

2. Entity-Relationship Model 1

  • Concepts:
    • Entity set; contains many entities that may be concrete (real-life object, eg, person, car) or abstract (intangible, conceptional, eg, loan, holiday, concept).
    • Entities have attributes.
    • Each attribute has a value from a domain.
    • Entities participate in relationships.
    • A relationship instance is a relationship between two entities (not between entity sets, eg, person1 with loan 502).
    • Entities have roles in relationships.
    • Recursive relationships are when an entity set participates in a relationship more than once in different roles, e.g, a manager is an employee and a manager.
    • Relationship Degree is the number of entities participating in a relationship, eg, binary, ternary..etc.
  • Attribute characters:
    • Simple or Composite (composed of more than other attributes), eg, the name is a composite attribute composed of first name and last name.
    • Single-valued or Multi-valued, eg, the name is single-valued, but the phone number is multi-valued (one person can have more than one phone number, list).
    • Derived, eg, the age is derived from the date of birth, we do not store the age, we calculate it from the date of birth.
  • Constraints:
    • Cardinalities represent the number of entities that another entity can associate with the relationship.
    • Total participation, between entity set (E) and a relationship set (R) if every single entity from E participates in R. otherwise it is a partial participation.
    • super key is a set of one or more attributes that uniquely identify an entity in the entity set.
  • Keys:
    • Primary Key is the candidate key chosen by the DB designer to serve as a unique identifier.
    • candidate keys are a combination of keys that together can uniquely identify an entity; no single key of the candidate keys is a super key on its own.
  • Weak Entity set:
    • An Entity set that does not have enough attributes to form a primary key and can not exist on its own.
    • A weak entity belongs to another strong entity (owner or identifying entity) through an identifying relationship as many-to-one from the weak entity to the owner entity.
    • Example: LoanPayment is a payment that does not exist without a loan, so it is a weak entity belonging to a Loan.
    • The Discriminator or Partial Key is an attribute within the weak entity set that uniquely identifies each entity within the relationship with the owner entity.
    • Example: A Loan has multiple payments, but each has a PaymentNumber discriminates between individual payments for that loan.
  • Extended ER features:
    • Specialization:
      • Group entities within a set when they have distinct attributes.
      • Example: A Person can be specialized as a Customer or Employee.
      • Represented by a triangle in the ER diagram.
      • Used in a top-down approach.
    • Generalization:
      • Used in a bottom-up approach.
      • Types of generalizations:
        • Attribute-defined generalization, one attribute distinct between the entities, eg, account type is a discriminant between checking and savings accounts.
        • User-defined generalizations, may or may not be, aka. optional, eg, employee team since not all employees are part of a team; the Team is a generalization of a list of Employees.
      • Specialized entities can be:
        • DisJoint, an entity can only belong to one specialization. eg, checking or savings accounts but not both.
        • Overlapping, an entity can belong to more than one specialization. eg, a User can be both a Customer and an employee.
    • Attribute inheritance
      • All attributes of higher-level entities are inherited by lower-level entities by default.
    • Aggregation:
      • Aggregation is an abstraction through which relationships are treated as higher-level entities.
  • ER Limitations:
    • It cannot express relationships among relationships.
  • Unified Modeling Language (UML):
    • Class Diagram.
    • Use Case Diagram.
    • Activity Diagram.
    • Implementation Diagram.
  • ER notations:



3. Relational Model 1

  • Structure:
    • Tuples (rows) and Attributes (columns) are saved into Relations (tables).
    • Each attribute has a domain that must be atomic (cannot be decomposed into smaller parts).
    • The Null value indicates that the value is unknown or does not exist.
  • Database Schema is the logical design of a database, while Database Instance is a snapshot of the database at a particular time.
  • If an attribute is a foreign key (FK), it must be a primary key (PK) in another relation called the referenced relation.
  • Schema Diagram Example:
  • The Schema Diagram is a graphical representation of the database schema. it differs from the Entity-Relationship Diagram in that it shows the foreign keys explicitly.
  • Schema Diagram

3.1.5 Query Languages

  • Query Languages:
    • Relational algebra (eg, SQL) - procedural.
    • Tuple relational calculus - non-procedural.
    • Domain relational calculus (eg, QBE language) - non-procedural.

Relational Algebra

  • Relational Algebra is a procedural query language that is used to query a relational database.
  • It consists of a set of operations that take one or two relations as input and produce a new relation as output.
  • Unary operations are operations that operate on one input set while binary operations expect a pair of sets as an input.
  • Relational Algebra operations:
    • Fundamentals Operations:
      • Select.
      • Project.
      • Union.
      • Set Difference.
      • Cartesian Product.
      • Rename.
    • Other operations:
      • Set Intersection
      • Natural Join.
      • Division
      • Assignment
  • arity is the number of attributes in a relation.
  • Compatible relations are relations that satisfy the following conditions:
    • They have the same arity (same number of columns).
    • Each of their attributes must be of the same domain.
Operation type symbol function Notes
Select unary sigma (σ) selects tuples that satisfy a given predicate
Project unary pi (Π) selects specific attributes from a relation
Union binary U returns tuples that are in either relation input relations must be compatible
Set Diff binary - returns tuples that are in the first relation but not in the second relation input relations must be compatible
Cartesian Product binary X returns all possible combinations of tuples from both relations (each elem from r1 is mapped to every element from r2) input relations must have unique names, returns big operation with r1 * r2 tuples
Rename unary rho (ρ) returns the same relation at a different name
Intersect binary cap (⋂) returns tuples that are in both relations, r1 ⋂ r2 = r1 - ( r1 - r2) input relations must be compatible
Natural Join binary join (⋈) performs a conditional selections on the cartesian product and returns subset of the CP that matches the conditions
  • Aggregate functions take a collection of values and return a single value as a result.
  • Aggregate functions:
    • Sum.
    • Avg.
    • Count.
    • Min.
    • Max.

3.3.4 Null Values

  • Null values are used to represent unknown or missing values.
  • If a null value is entered in an arithmetic expression or logical expression, the result is always unknown; since we can not decide a result.
  • Boolean operations with unknown values work as:
first argument Operation second argument Result
unknown AND unknown unknown
true AND unknown unknown
false AND unknown false
unknown OR unknown unknown
true OR unknown true
false OR unknown unknown
unknown NOT - unknown


  • Views are virtual tables that are defined by a query.
  • Views values are not stored in the database, they are computed on the fly.
  • Materialized views are views that are stored in the database, they are updated when the underlying tables are updated.
  • Update or insert operations on a view are not allowed, they can only be performed on the underlying tables.


  1. Silberschatz, A., Korth, H.F., & Sudarshan, S. (2001). Database System Concepts (4th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. Available at Database System Concepts 4th Edition By Silberschatz-Korth-Sudarshan.pdf