Binary search trees¶
- In problems like:
- Dictionary Search: Find all words that start with some given string.
- Date Ranges : Find all emails received in a given period.
- Closest Height:Find the person in your class whose height is closest to yours.
Local Search
: A Local Search Datastructure stores a number of elements each with a key coming from an ordered set. It supports operations:RangeSearch(x, y)
: Returns all elements with keys between x and y.NearestNeighbors(z)
: Returns the element with keys on either side of z.
- we can solve these problems by:
Hash tables:
Sorted Array:
Linked lists:
search Tree¶
- for any Node X in the tree: X’s key is
larger than
the key ofany descendent
of itsleft
child, andsmaller than
the key ofany descendant
of itsright
search Tree functions¶
- find\(key, root\):
Find(k, R):
if R.Key = k:
return R
else if R.Key > k :
if R.Left ̸= null:
return Find(k, R.Left)
return R
else if R.Key < k :
return Find(k, R.Right)
- Next\(Node\):
if N.Right ̸= null:
return LeftDescendant(N.Right)
return RightAncestor(N)
- LeftDescendant\(Node\):
if N.Left = null
return N
return LeftDescendant(N.Left)
- Right Ancestor \(Node\):
if N.Key < N.Parent.Key
return N.Parent
return RightAncestor(N.Parent)
- RangeSearch\(x = first element in search range , y = second element to search , R = tree or root\)
RangeSearch(x, y, R):
L ← ∅
N ← Find(x, R)
while N.Key ≤ y
if N.Key ≥ x:
L ← L.Append(N)
N ← Next(N)
return L
- Insert\(key, tree or root\):
Insert(k, R):
P ← Find(k, R)
Add new node with key k as child of P
- delete\(Node\):
if N.Right = null:
Remove N, promote N.Left
X ← Next(N)
∖∖ X.Left = null
Replace N by X, promote X.Right
Example: deleting Node \(1\): * bring its next element\(2\), to be in \(1\) place. * bring \(4\) tree to be in \(2\) place.
AVL trees¶
- to keep our trees
, \(the hieght of left = hieght of Right\). hieght of tree
: the maximum depth of any of its children.- calculating the hieght of a tree:
if N is a leaf:
hieght = 1
hieght = 1 + max(N.Left.Height, N.Right.Height)
- example of Node after adding hieght property:
- updating trees can destroy their balance.
Insertion into AVL tree¶
- We need a new insertion algorithm that involves rebalancing the tree to maintain the AVL property.
- insertion idea:
AVLInsert(k: key, R: root):
Insert(k, R)
N = Find(k, R)
- Rebalancing:
Rebalance(N: node):
if |N.Left.Height − N.Right.Height| ≤ 1 return;
P = N.Parent
if N.Left.Height > N.Right.Height+1:
if N.Right.Height > N.Left.Height+1:
if P != null:
- Adjusting Hieght : recalculate height after rebalancing the tree
N.Height = 1+ max( N.Left.Height, N.Right.Height)
- exception: consider this case: where the left subtree too heavy. so we need to use different rebalancing function
- RebalanceRight\(Node\):
RebalanceRight(N: node):
M = N.Left
if M.Right.Height > M.Left.Height:
AdjustHeight() on affected nodes
deleting from AVL tree¶
- Deletions can also change balance.
- deleting from AVL tree:
AVLDelete(N: node):
M = Parent of node replacing N
Merge AVL trees¶
Combines two binary search trees into a single one.
- If we got extra root
we do the merge over it:
MergeWithRoot(R1: tree1, R2: tree2, T: new element to merge over):
T.Left = R1
T.Right = R2
R1.Parent = T
R2.Parent = T
return T
- if we didn’t get that extra element, we need to search for it and the Get new root by removing largest element of left subtree.
Merge(R1: tree1 , R2: tree2):
T = Find(∞, R1) // find largest element
Delete(T) // remove that element from the tree
MergeWithRoot(R1, R2, T) // use that T as extra element to merge
return T
- to maintain the balance, we merge the smaller tree
with a subtree form the bigger treeR1
with the same height asR2
. - we Go down side of the bigger tree until merge with a subtree of same height as the smaller tree.
- we need a new
AVLTreeMergeWithRoot(R1: tree1, R2: tree2, T: element to merge over):
if |R1.Height − R2.Height| ≤ 1: // both trees with same hieght
MergeWithRoot(R1, R2, T)
T.Ht = max(R1.Height, R2.Height) + 1 // hieght of the output merged tree
return T
else if R1.Height > R2.Height: // if R1 is bigger, we merge R2 on subtree of R1
R′ = AVLTreeMergeWithRoot(R1.Right, R2, T)
/* go down R1.right (bigger elements) untill you find a subtree with same hieght as R2.
R′ is the newly merged tree between R2 and r1.right
R1.Right = R′ // put R′ as right of R1
R′.Parent = R1 // assign R1 to be the parent of R′
Rebalance(R1) // Rebalance
return root of the newly merged rebalanced tree of R1
else if R1.Height < R2.Height: // if R2 is bigger, we merge R1 on subtree of R2
R′ = AVLTreeMergeWithRoot(R1, R2.Right, T)
R2.Right = R′
R′.Parent = R2
return root of the newly merged rebalanced tree of R2
split AVL trees¶
- Split Breaks one binary search tree into two.
- we search for element
, then we merge all elements bigger than x into one tree, also merge all elements smaller than x into one another tree
split(R: tree, X: element)
Split(R: tree, x: element to split over):
if R = null: // tree is empty
return (null, null)
if x ≤ R.Key: // we work on the left, Right keep untouched
(R1, R2) = Split(R.Left, x)
R3 = MergeWithRoot(R2, R.Right, R)
// we merge all bigger element comes from down with the untouched part of the Right.
return (R1, R3)
if x > R.Key:
(R1, R2) = Split(R.Right, x) // work on the right, left untouched
R3 = MergeWithRoot(R2, R.Left, R)
// we merge all smaller element comes from down with the untouched part of the Left.
return (R1, R3)
P of a node N is the node with the largest key smaller than the key of N