ABC Video Rental Processing represents an order processing/inventory control problem (Conger, 2008, p.51). The system processes a customer, inventory, and orders files, and theses files are regularly maintained.
ABC business models relies on rent video tapes to customers.
According to (Conger, 2008, p.312), we can define multiple entities for the data type of the rental application. The entities are as follows:
Customer: mentioned in (Conger, 2008, p.52) as a person who rents a video tape.
Video Inventory: mentioned in (Conger, 2008, p.52) as a list of video tapes available for rent.
Open Rentals: mentioned in (Conger, 2008, p.53) as a documentation of all video rental operations.
Video History: mentioned in (Conger, 2008, p.52) as a representation of the sum of all rentals of a video tape (individually per physical tape, and grouped by video title).
Customer History: mentioned in (Conger, 2008, p.52) as a representation of the sum of all rentals of a customer.
End of Day Totals: mentioned in (Conger, 2008, p.53) as a summary of all transactions for the day.
Reports: mentioned in (Conger, 2008, p.52), which holds number of new users monthly and yearly, bad credit customers, and so on.
Customer Entity contains the following data attributes (Conger, 2008, p.52):
Customer ID: number, unique.
phone number: string, unique.
name: string.
address: string, maybe a pointer to another entity where the details of the address are stored (eg. zip, state, street).
credit card number: number, unique.
credit card expiration date: Date.
identification number: number, (should be easy to remember, maybe different from customer ID)
bad credit risk: boolean, for people who failed to pay for the video tapes.
Video Inventory Entity contains the following data attributes (Conger, 2008, p.52):
Video ID: number, unique.
title: string.
vendor: string.
code: string.
price: number.
number of copies: number.
number of copies available: number.
Open Rentals Entity contains the following data attributes (Conger, 2008, p.53):
Customer ID: number, unique.
Video ID: number, unique.
date rented: Date.
date due: Date.
date returned: Date.
late fee: number.
total fee: number.
Video History Entity contains the following data attributes (Conger, 2008, p.52):
Video ID: number, unique.
number of copies rented: number.
number of copies returned: number.
number of copies lost: number.
number of copies damaged: number.
Customer History Entity contains the following data attributes (Conger, 2008, p.52):
Customer ID: number, unique.
number of videos rented: number.
number of videos returned: number.
number of videos lost: number.
number of videos damaged: number.
End of Day Totals Entity contains the following data attributes (Conger, 2008, p.53):