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2. The Foundations of Western Art: Ancient Greece and Rome

Introduction 1

  • kouros: male statue; Koure: female statue.
  • Greeks were obsessed with the ideal human form; however, Romans were more interested in the actual human form.
  • The statue of Praxiteles was the first nude woman statue; as the Greeks were sculpting men nude and women clothed.
  • Romans copied Greek art and architecture; and even the gods, but they changed their names:
    • Zeus became Jupiter.
    • Athena became Minerva.
    • Aphrodite became Venus.
    • Poseidon became Neptune.
  • The ideal size of the body was 8 heads tall, while the realistic one was 6-6.5 heads tall.

Greek Art and Architecture 2 3 4 5 6

  • Parthenon:
    • It is a temple dedicated to the goddess Athena built by Pericles 461-429 BCE.
    • It was built from Pentelic marble.

Hellenistic Art and Architecture 7

Roman Art and Architecture 8 9 10 11 12

Optional Resources 13


  1. Ancient Greek and Roman art [Video]. (n.d.). Khan Academy. 

  2. Hemingway, C. & Hemingway, S.. (n.d.). The Art of Classical Greece (ca. 480–323 B.C.). The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History. 

  3. Polykleitos, Doryphoros (Spear Bearer) [Video]. (n.d.). Khan Academy. 

  4. Hemingway, A. C. (n.d.). Architecture in Ancient Greece. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History. 

  5. The classical orders [Video] (n.d.). Khan Academy. 

  6. Haynes, N. (n.d.). When the Parthenon had dazzling colors. BBC Culture. 

  7. Hemingway, C. & Hemingway, S. (n.d.). Art of the Hellenistic Age and the Hellenistic Tradition. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History. 

  8. Ambler, J. (n.d.). Introduction to Ancient Roman Art. Khan Academy. 

  9. Rome’s history in four faces at The Met [Video]. (n.d.). Khan Academy. 

  10. Ambler, J. (n.d.). Roman wall painting styles. Khan Academy. 

  11. Ambler, J. (n.d.). Roman Architecture. Khan Academy. 

  12. Smarthistory. (n.d.). Basilica of Maxentius and Constantine. YouTube. 

  13. Who owns the Parthenon sculptures? [Video]. (n.d.). Khan Academy.