3. Color and Blending¶
Unit 3 Lecture 1: Color Principles 1¶
- Light has two properties:
- Illuminance:
- It is the amount of light that falls on a surface.
- It is measured in lux (lumens per square meter).
- It is the intensity of light or brightness.
- It is sensed using the rods in the retina.
- Color:
- It is the frequency and wavelength of light rays that are emitted or reflected from an object.
- It is measured in nanometers.
- It is sensed using the cones in the retina.
- Chromaticity is the color of light without brightness.
- Illuminance:
- When a light hits an object, it absorbs some of it and reflects the rest; the reflected light is what we see as color.
- Primaries:
- Red: 700nm. #FF0000.
- Green: 546.1nm. #00FF00.
- Blue: 435.8nm. #0000FF.
- Mixing RGB colors:
- Black: No light. #000000.
- White: Full light. #FFFFFF.
- Emissive colors:
- If you mixed all RGB colors, you would get white.
- Usually with monitors.
- RGB model is emissive.
- Transmissive colors:
- If you mixed all RGB colors, you would get black.
- Usually with printers (ink).
- CMYK model is transmissive.
- Color Depth:
- It is the number of bits used to represent a color.
- 8-bit color depth: 256 colors.
- 24-bit color depth: 16.7 million colors.
- 32-bit color depth: 16.7 million colors + alpha channel.
Unit 3 Lecture 2: Color Blending, Transparency, and the Alpha Channel 2¶
- RGBA color model:
- By adding the alpha channel to RBG, we can add transparency and blending: RGBA.
- It represents the portion of color that is blended with other colors (usually the background or the color behind the target).
- The alpha channel is a value between 0 and 1.
- 0: Fully transparent, 0% of the original color is mixed with the background.
- 1: Fully opaque, 100% of the original color is mixed with the background.
- Pseudo colors:
- Representing data with one or more colors based on a specific range of values.
- Example: Heat map based on the temperature of objects in the scene.
Unit 3 Lecture 3: Mathematics for modelling Part 1 3¶
- We usually use the right-hand 3D coordinate system (x right, y up, z out towards us).
- Point:
- It is a position in space defined by its coordinates (x, y, z).
- We see points as vertices in 3D space.
- Line:
- It is a 1 dimensional object defined by two points (line segment) or a point and a direction vector (ray).
- For a line starts from point P0, and goes in the direction of vector V, the line is defined as
P(t) = P0 + tV
, where t is a scalar multiple of the direction vector V. - If you have a line between two points P0 and P1, the line is defined as
P(t) = P0 + t(P1 - P0) = (1 - t)P0 + tP1
. - Ray: A line that starts from a point and goes infinitely in a direction; only positive values of t are considered, aka, it only include points that are greater than or equal to the starting point (half-line).
- Parametric curves:
- It is a curve defined by a set of equations that depend on a parameter.
- For a 3D curve, it is defined by 3 functions that drive the values for x, y, and z:
P(t) = (x(t), y(t), z(t))
. - For any point t, you to consult the 3 functions of the curve to compute the x, y, and z values.
- Vector:
- It is defined by a tuple of three values (x, y, z), but it is not a point.
- Vector lengthL
||V|| = sqrt(x^2 + y^2 + z^2)
. - Unit vector has a length of 1.
- Vectors start from the origin (0, 0, 0), and their components are the coordinates of some point (or the end point) on that vector.
Learning Guide Unit 3: Introduction 4¶
- First, a specific color is called a hue.
- Color can be thought of as an objects’ ability to absorb some wavelengths of light and reflect others.
- Every color consists of a specific wavelength of light. Light is composed of photons that are emitted as energy.
- White: teh object does not absorb any light, but reflects all of it.
- Black: the object absorbs all light and reflects none.
- Most graphics systems can support
different color hues. - This depth of color, often 255 intensities of each of the primary colors, is called true color, where each pixel requires 24 bits of color information.
- For a 1024*768 resolution:
- We have
pixels. - For a true color system, we need
24 * 786,432 = 18,874,368
bits which is approximately2,359,296
bytes or2.3MB
of memory to store the color information for the entire screen.
- We have
- True Color => 24 bits per pixel, they support
different color hues. - High Color => 16 bits per pixel, they support
different color hues. - Medium Color => 8 bits per pixel, they support
different color hues. - WebGL supports true color.
Lecture Notes 3: Coordinates and Transformations 5¶
Lecture Notes 5: Color 5¶
Lecture Notes 15: Shading & Material Appearance 5¶
Chapter 11: Color and Light 6¶
Unit 3 Lecture 1: Color Principles | Home. (2024). Uopeople.edu. https://my.uopeople.edu/mod/kalvidres/view.php?id=444268 ↩
Unit 3 Lecture 2: Color Blending, Transparency, and the Alpha Channel | Home. (2024). Uopeople.edu. https://my.uopeople.edu/mod/kalvidres/view.php?id=444269 ↩
Unit 3 Lecture 3: Mathematics for modelling Part 1 | Home. (2024). Uopeople.edu. https://my.uopeople.edu/mod/kalvidres/view.php?id=444270 ↩
Learning Guide Unit 3: Introduction | Home. (2024). Uopeople.edu. https://my.uopeople.edu/mod/book/view.php?id=444261&chapterid=540592 ↩
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2020). Coordinates and Transformations. MITOpenCourseware. https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/electrical-engineering-and-computer-science/6-837-computer-graphics-fall-2012/lecture-notes/. Review Lecture #3: Coordinates and Transformations. Read Lecture #5: Color. Read Lecture #15: Shading & Material Appearance. ↩↩↩
Guha. S. (2019). Computer graphics through OpenGL: From theory to experiments, 3rd edition. Read Chapter 11 (Sections 11.1, 11.3, 11.4, 11.7, 11.8, 11.11, 11.14) ↩