- JSX is a syntax extension to JavaScript that allows React Elements to be written inside JavaScript using HTML tags.
var element = <h1>Hello World!</h1> //jsx
var element = React.createElement( // without jsx
'Hello World!'
// render
- A React Component is an independent reusable component that outputs a React Element based on its properties and state.
General Notes¶
- when you design your routes, make sure that front end routes differe from back-end routes. especially when using
app. - to apply a css file to one component only:
1. wrap you component into
<div className="Component-Name">
. 2. use that class before the css rules you want to apply for this component only as:.component-name p{ //css rules }
- handle 404 route: add this code as the last
in theswitch
<Route path="*" component={NotFound} />;
/* OR */
<Route component={NotFound} />;
component that will simplify your routes:¶
- usage
<SimpleRoute path={path} component={component_to_render} / >
import React from 'react'
import { Route } from 'react-router-dom'
const SimpleRoute({ component: Component, }) => (
render={props => {
return (
<Component {...props} />
export default SimpleRoute
component will recieve props¶
- check if we are still on the same component
ifwe are coming from another component:
componentWillReceiveProps = newProps => {
if (newProps.location !== this.props.location) {
console.log('here should we gos')
* typical props.location at the first mount of the copmonent, where the props.location == newprops.location
this.props.window = {pathname: "/page", search: "", hash: "", state: undefined, key: "yooxfy"}
* if the component re-rendered in the same page, the { this.props.window.key } will change,
* so they are no longer equal.
- passing functions to the events should be by
, but if we call the function inside the event listener it will be calledimediatley
and not waiting until the event is bieng fired.
<Component onClick={myFunction} />
// will wait untill you click to fire the function
<Component onClick={myFunction()} />
// the function will be fired immediatley.
<Component onClick={(e, someVar) => myFunction(someVar)} />
// this way we can pass parameters to that handlers
- passing functions as props should be by reference.
Hide dom element by click outside of it¶
componentWillMount() {
document.addEventListener("mousedown", this.handleClickOutside, false);
componentWillUnmount() {
document.removeEventListener("mousedown", this.handleClickOutside, false);
handleClickOutside = e => {
if (this.node.contains( {
if (this.state.divshow) {
this.setState({ divshow: false });
render() {
return this.state.divshow ? ( <div
ref={node => (this.node = node)}
style={{ backgroundColor: "red", height: "200px" }}
/> ) : (
"Hided" );
hook that responds to changes In screen dementions¶
```js import React, { useLayoutEffect, useState } from ‘react’;
function useWindowSize() {
const [size, setSize] = useState([0, 0]);
useLayoutEffect(() => {
function updateSize() {
setSize([window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight]);
window.addEventListener('resize', updateSize);
return () => window.removeEventListener('resize', updateSize);
}, []);
return size;
export default useWindowSize; ```