7. Functional Programming¶
1 Lecture Notes¶
- Functional Programming Languages:
- Do not have variables; as values are immutable (cannot be changed).
- Based on the lambda calculus, where functions always return the same value for the same input.
- Referential transparency: meaning that a function call can be replaced by its return value without changing the meaning of the program.
- Recursion: Do not have iteration, but instead use recursion (no for, while, do-while, etc.).
- Pattern matching: A way to select behaviors based on the structure of data, similar to using switch statements in imperative languages.
- Function Arguments: Functions accept only one argument, but tuples, lists, and records can be used to pass multiple arguments.
- Lazy Evaluation: The evaluation of an expression is delayed until its value is needed.
- Tail Recursion: A recursive function is tail recursive if the recursive call is the last thing it does.
- Higher Order Functions:
- Functions that take other functions as arguments or return functions as results.
- Also called Partial Application.
- Example:
, andfilter
- Currying: A function that takes multiple arguments can be converted into a sequence of functions that each take a single argument.
Imperative Programming | Functional Programming | |
Semantics | Complex | Simple |
Syntax | Complex | Simple |
Efficiency | Fast (Efficient execution) | Slow (Inefficient execution) |
Concurrency | Difficult (must be explicitly programmed) | Easy (automatically concurrent) |
Scientist | Product | Importance | Comments |
Von Neumann | Von Nemann architecture | The basis for all modern computers | Updatable store (memory cells contain values that can be updated) |
Alan Turing | Turing Machine | The basis for imperative programming languages | Concept of stateful computation |
Alonzo Church | Lambda Calculus | The basis for functional programming languages | Concept of stateless computation |
- Computability of a problem: If a problem can be solved with an imperative programming language, it can also be solved with a functional programming language, and vice versa.
2 Chapter 16: Functional Programming¶
- Lisp (List Processing Language) is the first functional programming language (1956), although it has some imperative features.
- Erlang
- There are no global variables, no assignment, no pointers and hence no side effects.
- Carried functions:
- Named after the mathematician H.B Curry.
- They help as workaround to pass multiple arguments to a function.
- The called function accepts the first argument and returns a function that accepts the second argument and so on.
3 Functional programming for the rest of us¶
- Functional programming is a practical implementation of Alonzo Church’s ideas.
- Not all lambda calculus ideas transform to practice because lambda calculus was not designed to work under physical limitations.
- If java would have been a functional programming language:
- All variables would be final by default (immutable).
- We can not call them variables anymore, but symbols.
- The state is being passed around as arguments to functions (thus, the state is saved on the stack).
- Using recursion, The function would call itself passing what it has calculated so far (the previous state) as an argument.
- Benefits of functional programming:
- Since every symbol in FP is final, no function can ever cause side effects.
- You can never modify things in place, nor can one function modify a value outside of its scope for another function to use (like a class member or a global variable).
- Unit testing is easier (because of the two previous points, you only evaluate the function return).
- Debugging is easier, you just need the function arguments to reproduce the error, the previous execution steps will not affect the function return value.
- You never have to worry about deadlocks and race conditions because you don’t need to use locks! No piece of data in a functional program is modified twice by the same thread, let alone by two different threads.
- Concurrency is easier, as thing do not interfere with each other, you can run them in parallel.
- Upgradeability is easier, as you can replace a function with another function that has the same signature. Thus systems can be ungraded without restarting them.
- Optimizations of Lazy evaluation: The compiler can optimize the code by removing unused code, or not evaluating code that is not needed.
- Tools used in FP to control the order of execution:
- Continuations:
- A continuation is a function that represents the rest of the computation, that is, specifying where the returned value should be used.
- Example
x = add(3,4); s = square(x);
can be written asadd(3,4,square)
which meanssquare(add(3,4))
. - In
x = add(3,4); s = square(x);
there is no way to know ifadd
will be executed first (especially if they are in different threads). - But in
we know thatadd
will be executed first, thensquare
- Monads: A monad is a way to structure computations by defining what it means to chain operations together.
- Uniqueness types: A uniqueness type system is a type system that tracks whether a value is used in a single location or multiple locations.
- Continuations:
1 4 5 7 8 Haskell¶
-- incrementor
inc n = n+1
-- filter odd numbers
filterOdds :: [Integer] -> [Integer]
filterOdds l = filter odd l
-- print
p :: Show a => a -> IO ()
p a = putStrLn(show(a))
-- fibonacci with pattern matching
fib :: Integer -> Integer
fib x | x == 0 = 0
| x == 1 = 1
| x > 1 = fib(x -2) + fib(x-1)
| otherwise = error "fib: negative argument"
-- ignoring arguments, using general tuples
first :: (a,b,c) -> a
first (x,_,_) = x
second :: (a,b,c) -> b
second (_,y,_) = y
third :: (a,b,c) -> c
third (_,_,z) = z
-- extract the first element of a list and the rest of the list
listHead :: [a] -> a
listHead (x:xs) = x
listTail :: [a] -> [a]
listTail (x:xs) = xs
-- main function, program entry point
main = do
p "Hello, everybody!"
p ("Please look at my favorite odd numbers: ")
p (filterOdds [10..20])
p (inc 3)
p(fib(10)) -- 55
p(first(1,"2",3.0)) -- 1
p(second(1,"2",3.0)) -- "2"
p(third(1,"2",3.0)) -- 3.0
p(listHead([1,2,3])) -- 1
p(listTail([1,2,3])) -- [2,3]
6 Haskell: Purely Functional Programming Language¶
- Non-Strict: denotes the use of lazy evaluation.
- Pure: denotes the absence of side effects.
- Statically Typed: denotes the use of static type checking (type checking is done at compile time).
- Strongly Typed: denotes the use of strong type checking (type casting is not implicit, refuse operations on different types).
- Haskell was introduced in 1987.
- Haskell 98 was the first stable version of the language.
- Named after Haskell Brooks Curry, an American mathematician and logician.
- Compilers: Hugs (standard interpreter), GHC (Glasgow Haskell Compiler, open source).
- Pattern matching: provide different definitions (signatures) for a function; and the compiler will choose the correct one based on the arguments supplied.
- Execution mode: Eval/Apply (E/A) machine, that is, all computations are done by evaluating expressions to yield values.
- The Haskell 98 report, an overview of Haskell’s main features are as follows: Haskell provides higher-order functions, non-strict semantics, static polymorphic typing, user-defined algebraic datatypes, pattern-matching, list comprehensions, a module system, a monadic I/O system, and a rich set of primitive datatypes, including lists, arrays, arbitrary and fixed precision integers, and floating-point numbers.
- Monads:
- Used to control the order of execution.
- A monad is a class (container type) with two functions:
): takes a value and returns a monad containing that value (puts the value in the container)bind
) takes a monad and a function that takes a value and returns a monad (extracts the value from the container, applies the function to it, and returns the resulting monad).
- Use the keyword
to sequence monadic operations.
class Monad m where
return :: a -> m a -- success
fail :: String -> m a -- failure
(>>=) :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b -- bind/augment
(>>) :: m a -> m b -> m b -- then
-- monadic operations are sequenced using the keyword do --
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn "What is your name?"
name <- getLine
putStrLn ("Nice to meet you, " ++ name ++ "!")
-- Syntax note: ++ concatenates strings
9 10 Higher Order Functions¶
- Higher-order functions (HOF) are functions that take other functions as arguments or return functions as results.
- Curried Functions (CF): functions that take their arguments one at a time, that allows partial application of functions, that is, passing multiple arguments to a function one at a time, returning a new function with one less argument.
UoPeople. (2023). CS4402: Comparative Programming Languages. Lecture Notes. ↩↩
Ben-Ari, M. (2006). Understanding programming languages. Weizman Institute of Science. Chapter 16: Functional Programming. ↩
Functional programming for the rest of us, article available at http://www.defmacro.org/ramblings/fp.html ↩
Learn You a Haskell for Great Good! available at http://learnyouahaskell.com/chapters ↩
Learn Haskell Hard and Easy available at http://yannesposito.com/Scratch/en/blog/Haskell-the-Hard-Way/#lists ↩
Read a Brief Introduction To A Non-Strict Purely Functional Programming Language Copyright © 2006 by Peter Bui of the University of Notre Dame available at http://www.cse.nd.edu/courses/cse60431/www/BasicPage/lang_papers/haskell.pdf ↩
A Gentle Introduction to Haskell 98 by Paul Hudak, Yale University, John Peterson, Yale University, and Joseph Fasel, Los Alamos National Laboratory available at: http://www.haskell.org/tutorial/index.html ↩
Learn Haskell Now https://yannesposito.com/posts/0010-Haskell-Now/index.html ↩
Higher order functions http://learnyouahaskell.com/higher-order-functions ↩
Haskell Playground https://play.haskell.org/ ↩