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DA1. Emotional Intelligence


Based on the readings of this unit and your own understanding, answer the following discussion questions:

  1. Why is Emotional Intelligence crucial in human behavior and interpersonal relationships? Share your perspectives on how emotional intelligence influences our interactions with others, shapes our understanding of ourselves, and ultimately contributes to our overall well-being. Be sure to share at least one personal example or one societal observation to support your viewpoints.
  2. Provide personal examples illustrating how each subdomain (self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management) influences our thoughts, feelings, and actions in various personal and professional contexts.
  3. How do you perceive the relationship between emotional intelligence and personal development? Share examples from your own life where aspects like self-awareness, emotional management, empathy, or relationship-building have played pivotal roles in your growth.
  4. Explain the significant impact of emotional intelligence in professional settings and provide real-life examples or case studies of how emotional intelligence can influence your overall workplace success.



Emotional Intelligence (EI) is the one’s ability to identify, comprehend, manage, and handle their own emotions and those of others effectively. “The term was first coined in 1990 by researchers John Mayer and Peter Salovey but was later popularized by psychologist Daniel Goleman” (Landry, 2019). EQ (Emotional Quotient) is a measure of emotional intelligence, which is as important as IQ (Intelligence Quotient) in determining one’s success in life.

Importance of Emotional Intelligence in Human Behavior and Interpersonal Relationships

Our day-to-day life on both personal and professional levels is built on relationships with other people; people who have their own emotions, personalties, and behaviors. The situation inside oneself is communicated to others through signals, and understanding those signals is a key in building healthy relationships.

EI itself focuses on both ends of the relationship; that is, understanding oneself and communicating your needs effectively to others, and also correctly receiving the needs of others. For example, finding yourself in a serious crime scene, EI helps you to communicate to the police officers that you are not the suspect; failing to do so may cost your life, if you panicked uncontrollably.

Personal Examples of Emotional Intelligence in Action

Self awareness is the ability to recognize and correctly interpret one’s own emotions. For example, when a person feels no desire for studying that is causing low schooling performance; the cause might be tiredness, boredom, sadness, or lack of interest in the subject. Self awareness helps in identifying the right cause which is crucial for managing the situation. In fact only 10-15% of people are self-aware (Landry, 2019).

Self management is the ability to act correctly based on the identified emotions. For example, in the above case, if the cause of lack of desire for studying was tiredness, then the person should sleep a bit and then go back to studying. But if the cause was mistaken as boredom, then playing a game won’t help.

Social awareness is the ability to understand the emotions of others. For example, tears may signify sadness or great joy, and specific type of empathy and response is required for each case; this may be an obvious example, but there are subtle cases of the same nature.

Relationship management is the ability to communicate your response based on the data gathered using the social awareness. For example, if a a friend is sad and started distancing themselves, then relationship management helps in doing the right things to heal the relationship and bring the friend back.

Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence and Personal Development

Personal development means positive trends in one’s life as time goes on. EI is a key factor in personal development, in many dimensions like family, friends, work, community, inner peace, and so on. Self-awareness helps a person identify their own strengths and weaknesses, and then self-management helps in setting the goals and preparing plans while keeping the motivation and discipline to achieve them.

Social awareness helps in identifying good friends and good partners whom will have great effect on personal development. Relationship management helps in initiating and maintaining healthy relationships with good people, and also helps in cutting bad ones. In both cases, having a better EI and higher EQ will lead to better personal development.

Impact of Emotional Intelligence in Professional Settings

In professional settings, all people in the same field have the same technical skills and maybe IQ; hence, what makes the difference is the emotional intelligence (Scarborough, 2023). People with high EI/EQ are more likely to commit more to their career goals, manage themselves without supervision, organize their time and tasks, communicate effectively with their colleagues and managers, and more likely to help them.

Due to all previous factors, EI becomes the key factor in distinguishing people, and it is the main factor for hiring leaders and managers; and people with high EI are more likely to be promoted to higher positions. The manager needs to have high EI to understand his team and hence direct their powers into the right direction. Also, a leader can properly communicate his teams successes to the right places which makes then all more productive.


To conclude, EI is a key factor in human life on personal or professional levels. People with high EQ are usually happier, healthier, and more successful in their lives. EI is a skill that can be developed and improved over time, and it is a key factor in personal development and professional success.
