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Algorithms Notes

This is a summary of the course on MIT open source here

Lecture 2: Models of Computation pdf

  • for x in L costs linear time o(n)
  • A1 + A2 adding 2 arrays, creates an empty array then add every elemnt to it, costs 1 + o(A1) + o(A2)
  • Arr.length costs constant o(1)
  • Arr.sort() costs n * log n

Document Distance Problem — compute d\(D1, D2\)

  1. split each document into words
  2. count word frequencies \(document vectors\)
  3. compute dot product \(& divide\)

document distance problem

lecture 3: Insertion Sort, Merge Sort pdf

sorting make things easier, like binary srearch and find the median

Finding the median in an array

  • simply sort the array, and look to the elemnt at n/2.
  • costs contatnt time o(1) if you start from sorted array.

Insertion sort

  • insert key A[j] into the \(already sorted\) sub-array A[1 .. j-1].
  • by pairwise key-swaps down to its right position.
  • costs o(n^2) cause, o(n^2) for compares, o(n^2) for the swaps. => o(n) + o(n) = o(n^2)

insertion sort

Binary Insertion sort

  • insert key A[j] into the \(already sorted\) sub-array A[1 ..j-1].
  • Use binary search to find the right position.
  • costs \(Complexity\): Θ(n log n) for comparisons, and Θ(n^2) for swaps.

Merge Sort

  • recurrsion. split => sort splits => merge sorted splits.
  • need to copy the array first, so it tskes more space than insert sort. costs o(n) extra aux space.
  • costs o(n log n)

merge sort

In-place sorting

  • do sorting without copying the arrays, costs o(1) auxiliary space.
  • used in insertion sort.


  • priority queue