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public class QuickFindUF
private int[] id;
public QuickFindUF(int N)
id = new int[N];
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
id[i] = i;
public boolean connected(int p, int q)
{ return id[p] == id[q]; }
public void union(int p, int q)
int pid = id[p];
int qid = id[q];
for (int i = 0; i < id.length; i++)
if (id[i] == pid) id[i] = qid;

quick-union Improvments

1. weighting

  • while implementing, avoid long trees.
  • track the number of objects in each tree, then put the short \(small\) tree under the long tree.
  • cost lg N = log(2) N Ex: N=1000 => lg N = 10, N=1000000 => lg N = 20, N=1000000000 => lg N = 30. -Example: Modify quick-union union function:
public void union(int p, int q)
int i = root(p);
int j = root(q);
if (i == j) return;
if (sz[i] < sz[j]) { id[i] = j; sz[j] += sz[i]; }
else { id[j] = i; sz[i] += sz[j]; }

2. path-compression

  • while searching, change the pointers of each sub-tree to point directly to the parent root.
  • flatten the tree.
  • Example: Modify quick-union-weighting root function:
private int root(int i)
while (i != id[i])
id[i] = id[id[i]];
i = id[i];
return i;