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DA6. workflows


  • In Unit 6, we are introduced to the concepts of transaction processing.
  • Figure 24.4 (Chapter 24 of this week’s reading) depicts the workflow for loan processing which shows flows for the load application and which accept or reject are the possible outcomes.
  • For your discussion assignment:
    • Using a tool of your choice draw and label a workflow that depicts a student submitting an assignment to the professor and the possible outcomes.


  • A workflow is an activity in which multiple tasks are executed in a coordinated way by different processing entities; also called steps, task flows, or multisystem applications.

Workflow Specification

  • A student submits an assignment to the professor.
  • High-level tasks (steps):
    • The student writes the assignment.
    • The student submits the assignment.
    • The professor reviews the assignment.
    • The professor checks the assignment for plagiarism.
    • The professor may report the assignment as plagiarized to the student office.
    • The professor may reject the assignment as it is below the required standard.
    • The professor grades the assignment.
    • The professor submits their feedback to the student.

Workflow Execution

  1. The student writes the assignment and then submits it.
  2. The professor reviews the assignment and then checks it for plagiarism. if the assignment is plagiarized, the professor reports it to the student office. if the assignment is below the required standard, the professor rejects it.
  3. If the assignment is above the required standard, the professor consults the assignment rubric and grades it.
  4. The professor submits their feedback to the student.

The chart below shows the workflow execution:

Workflow execution


  • Silberschatz, A., Korth, H.F., & Sudarshan, S. (2001). Database System Concepts (4th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. Available at Database System Concepts 4th Edition By Silberschatz-Korth-Sudarshan.pdf Chapeter 24: Transaction Processing.