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Self Introduction

  • make it short, direct, attention grapping.
  • you should mention the following: name, past companies, noteworthy projects (best if it’s a public consumer product that they might have heard of).
  • KISS (Keep It Simple and Sweet).
  • Tell the interviewer why you would make a good hire.


  1. sentence about your current or most recent role.
  2. few sentences about your (academic) background. What did you focus on?
  3. Some sentences about your professional experience after school/university.
  4. Where did you work? What projects did you deal with? What were the typical challenges and tasks? Which technologies did you use?
  5. Finish with a statement saying why you are seeking a new job opportunity and why you are interested in the role you applied for.

cuases or motivatio to like this role

- create products for users to improve their life.