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JA8. Greco-Roman Influence on Modern Culture


The Greeks and Romans continue to influence modern culture thousands of years after the fall of their civilizations. We have read about many such areas of influence this week. Based on your readings and personal experiences/research, elaborate upon the elements of Greco-Roman culture that serve as foundations to the modern world. Include any one of the aspects mentioned below for your discussion:

  • Language
  • Literature
  • Philosophy
  • Theatre
  • Art
  • Architecture
  • Technology
  • Sanitation



The Greek and Roman civilizations were top of their time, they influenced each other and the surviving literature has influenced cultures later from the Renaissance to the Enlightenment to the present day. However, modern civilizations have taken their foundations from the Greco-Roman civilization but improved upon them to the point that they are better, advanced, and different.

This text will discuss how the Greco-Roman civilization has influenced modern culture in the areas of language, literature, philosophy, theatre, art, architecture, technology, and sanitation.


The Greek alphabet formed the basis for many letters in modern alphabets including English, and old alphabets such as Latin. Letters such as A, B, E, and O are derived from the Greek alphabet (OwlCation, 2022). In fact, the word “alphabet” itself comes from the first two letters of the Greek alphabet, alpha and beta. Many English Words that start with ‘ph-’ are usually of Greek origin, for example: philosophy, physical, photo, phrase, and philanthropy (Peraki & Vougiouklaki, 2015).

The Latin language, which was spoken by the Romans, became the foundation for modern Romance languages such as Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese, and Romanian (Appletone, 2022). The Latin language was greatly influenced by the Greek language, and this is how the Greek language affected modern languages indirectly through Latin (Peraki & Vougiouklaki, 2015).


Greek literature has a significant influence on modern literature. The works of Homer, such as the Iliad and the Odyssey, are still studied and read today. The story of the Trojan War, Hercules, and other Greek myths had a lasting impact on Western literature. William Shakespeare, John Milton, and many modern authors reference and get inspiration from Greek literature (Ruff, 2023).

Roman literature also impacted modern literature, but it is known for its realistic style as opposed to the emotional and idealistic Greek literature. Roman literature focused on history, politics, and documenting the daily life of the Romans. The story of Aeneas, the founding of Rome, and other Roman myths are still studied today (Ruff, 2023).


Greek philosophy has had a profound impact on modern philosophy. The works of Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle are still studied and referenced today. The Republic, a work by Plato is considered one of the most important works in Western philosophy. Greek philosophy concerned itself with questions about the meaning of life first, and then morality, ethics, and later politics (Jones, 2022).

Roman philosophy was influenced by Greek philosophy as Greece was conquered by Rome. Roman philosophy focused on practical matters such as ethics, politics, and law; and it was passed down to the modern world through the works of Cicero, Seneca, and Marcus Aurelius.


Greek theatre was famous for its tragedies and comedies. Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides were the most famous playwrights (Cartwright, 2016). Roman theatre with its amphitheaters, stages, and seating arrangements, has influenced modern theatre architecture. The concept of the three-act structure in plays is also derived from Greek theatre (Klar, 2024).


Greek art was known for its idealistic measures that are still used today with a bit of adjustment. Romans appreciated realism, and their art was more focused on portraits, sculptures, and mosaics. The true effect of Greek and Roman art can be seen in the Renaissance period when artists such as Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, and Raphael called to go back to the classical style after the Middle Ages (Virginia, 2018).


Multiple buildings in the modern world have direct inspiration or reassembled Greek and Roman architecture. The Parthenon of Athens and the Pantheon of Rome are still standing today and inspired many modern political buildings such White House, the US Capitol, and the British Museum. The Roman architectural style is known for its functional design, durable materials, and emphasis on public spaces (Ennis, 2023).


Many inventions are attributed to the Greeks and Romans that have influenced modern technology. The Library, early scientific method, standards of medical practice, and the lighthouse were invented by the Greeks along with many discoveries in the solar system and other fields (OwlCation, 2022). The Romans invented Cement, methods to harness water energy, and many technologies in agriculture such as crop rotation, pruning, grafting, and seed selection (Jones, 2022).


The Romans invented sewer systems, underfloor heating, and cement buildings; they also excelled in street and urban planning and invented aqueducts. Hygiene and cleanliness played important roles in Roman society, explaining the popularity of public bathhouses and bathing complexes known as Thermae. (Tschierse, 2022).


Most of the modern world technologies that we take for granted in today’s world have their roots in the Greco-Roman civilization where they were first developed and considered cutting-edge technology. The Greeks and Romans have influenced modern culture in many ways, from language to literature, philosophy, theatre, art, architecture, technology, and sanitation. It always astonishing to think of the beautiful minds behind such inventions and how they have shaped the world we live in today.
