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JA4. Decline of the Roman Republic


The Roman Republic is often said to be an inspiration for the US political structure. However, the Republic could not survive for more than 500 years.

We have read about many factors that contributed to the fall of the Roman Republic.

  • According to you, what was the single most important factor that led to its decline?
  • Suggest ways in which the damage done by this factor could have been reduced.


By the last decades of the first century BCE, the Roman Republic had had a few centuries of relative peace and prosperity; with a land stretching from Western Europe to the Middle East; the Republic was strong and agile enough to keep political stability. However, under the hood and as time passed, a series of events and factors slowly pilled up and caused the Republic to Decline. In 27 BCE, the Republic fell and the Roman Empire was born under the rule of Augustus as he declared himself the first Emperor of Rome.

The reasons for the fall of the Roman Republic according to Students Of History (2024) include the corrupt politicians who accepted bribery which led to everyone trying -in different ways, sometimes unethical- to get a foot in the government. Wealthy people bought votes, they accumulated lands and slaves as a result of the wars which caused an intense social inequality with the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer. The rich hired private armies to protect their interests, and these armies were more loyal to their masters than to the Republic.

In my opinion, the most important factor that led to the decline of the Roman Republic was its stretched land; especially as Romans gave citizenship to the people they conquered. This led the mix of people with different cultures, languages, and loyalties into the Republic structure which made the chaos and corruption more possible. Another important factor was the disabling of democracy by the democracy itself; as Consuls did not vote on something useful for 3 years in a row (around 60 BCE) because of some politicians vetoing all votes and declaring each day as a holiday so no voting could be done (Little, 2018).

The Republic could have done a lot to stop its decline, like ensuring that each citizen gets a minimum share of land, imposing taxes on the rich and these taxes would be paid to the poor, and ensuring that newly conquered citizens get the necessary education and training about the Republic and its values. The government could have established a central police force that ensures security within cities and thus eliminates the need for private armies. The government could have introduced an impeachment system that would stop corrupt and disabling politicians, such a system could have been based on the vast majority of votes and can not be vetoed by a small group of politicians.

To conclude, Aristotle once said “Democracy will lead to tyranny” as people will start thinking of any legitimate limitation to their freedom as unacceptable which will eventually end the democracy itself. I think this was the case with the politicians who disabled the democracy temporarily causing the Republic to fall and the democracy to be replaced by an Empire.
