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Binary search trees

  • In problems like:
  • Dictionary Search: Find all words that start with some given string.
  • Date Ranges : Find all emails received in a given period.
  • Closest Height:Find the person in your class whose height is closest to yours.
  • Local Search: A Local Search Datastructure stores a number of elements each with a key coming from an ordered set. It supports operations:
    • RangeSearch(x, y): Returns all elements with keys between x and y.
    • NearestNeighbors(z): Returns the element with keys on either side of z.
  • we can solve these problems by:
  • Hash tables:

    hash tables

  • Array:


  • Sorted Array:

    sorted array

  • Linked lists:

    linked lists

search Tree

  • for any Node X in the tree: X’s key is larger than the key of any descendent of its left child, and smaller than the key of any descendant of its right child.

search Tree functions

  1. find\(key, root\):
Find(k, R):
if R.Key = k:
   return R
else if R.Key > k :
   if R.Left ̸= null:
       return Find(k, R.Left)
   return R
else if R.Key < k :
   return Find(k, R.Right)
  1. Next\(Node\):
 if N.Right ̸= null:
   return LeftDescendant(N.Right)
   return RightAncestor(N)
  1. LeftDescendant\(Node\):
  if N.Left = null
    return N
    return LeftDescendant(N.Left)
  1. Right Ancestor \(Node\):
    if N.Key < N.Parent.Key
      return N.Parent
      return RightAncestor(N.Parent)
  1. RangeSearch\(x = first element in search range , y = second element to search , R = tree or root\)
   RangeSearch(x, y, R):
    N  Find(x, R)
    while N.Key  y
        if N.Key  x:
        L  L.Append(N)
        N  Next(N)
    return L
  1. Insert\(key, tree or root\):
  Insert(k, R):
    P  Find(k, R)
    Add new node with key k as child of P
  1. delete\(Node\):
    if N.Right = null:
        Remove N, promote N.Left
        X  Next(N)
        ∖∖ X.Left = null
        Replace N by X, promote X.Right
  1. Example: deleting Node \(1\): * bring its next element\(2\), to be in \(1\) place. * bring \(4\) tree to be in \(2\) place.

    deleting example

AVL trees

  • to keep our trees balanced , \(the hieght of left = hieght of Right\).
  • hieght of tree: the maximum depth of any of its children.
  • calculating the hieght of a tree:
    if N is a leaf:
     hieght = 1
      hieght = 1 + max(N.Left.Height, N.Right.Height)
  • example of Node after adding hieght property:

node example

  • updating trees can destroy their balance.

Insertion into AVL tree

  • We need a new insertion algorithm that involves rebalancing the tree to maintain the AVL property.
  • insertion idea:
  AVLInsert(k: key, R: root):
    Insert(k, R)
    N = Find(k, R)
  • Rebalancing:
    Rebalance(N: node):
      if |N.Left.Height  N.Right.Height|  1 return;
      P = N.Parent
      if N.Left.Height > N.Right.Height+1:
      if N.Right.Height > N.Left.Height+1:
      if P != null:
  • Adjusting Hieght : recalculate height after rebalancing the tree
        N.Height = 1+ max( N.Left.Height, N.Right.Height)
  • exception: consider this case: where the left subtree too heavy. so we need to use different rebalancing function RebalanceRight(N).

left subtree is too heavy

  • RebalanceRight\(Node\):
    RebalanceRight(N: node):
      M = N.Left
      if M.Right.Height > M.Left.Height:
      AdjustHeight() on affected nodes
  • RotateLeft() Example:


deleting from AVL tree

  • Deletions can also change balance.
  • deleting from AVL tree:
  AVLDelete(N: node):
      M = Parent of node replacing N

Merge AVL trees

  • Merge Combines two binary search trees into a single one.

merge avl trees

  • If we got extra root T we do the merge over it:
  MergeWithRoot(R1: tree1, R2: tree2, T: new element to merge over):
      T.Left = R1
      T.Right = R2
      R1.Parent = T
      R2.Parent = T
      return T
  • if we didn’t get that extra element, we need to search for it and the Get new root by removing largest element of left subtree.
    Merge(R1: tree1 , R2: tree2):
        T = Find(, R1) // find largest element 
        Delete(T)  // remove that element from the tree
        MergeWithRoot(R1, R2, T) // use that T as extra element to merge
        return T
  • to maintain the balance, we merge the smaller tree R2 with a subtree form the bigger tree R1 with the same height as R2.
  • we Go down side of the bigger tree until merge with a subtree of same height as the smaller tree.
  • we need a new Merge() function:
      AVLTreeMergeWithRoot(R1: tree1, R2: tree2, T: element to merge over):
          if |R1.Height  R2.Height|  1: // both trees with same hieght
              MergeWithRoot(R1, R2, T)
              T.Ht = max(R1.Height, R2.Height) + 1 // hieght of the output merged tree
              return T

          else if R1.Height > R2.Height: // if R1 is bigger, we merge R2 on subtree of R1
                  R = AVLTreeMergeWithRoot(R1.Right, R2, T)
                   /* go down R1.right (bigger  elements) untill you find a subtree with same hieght as R2.
                   R′ is the newly merged tree between R2 and r1.right
                  R1.Right = R // put R′ as right of R1
                  R.Parent = R1 // assign R1 to be the parent of R′
                  Rebalance(R1) // Rebalance
                  return root of the newly merged rebalanced tree of R1

          else if R1.Height < R2.Height: // if R2 is bigger, we merge R1 on subtree of R2
                  R = AVLTreeMergeWithRoot(R1, R2.Right, T) 
                  R2.Right = R
                  R.Parent = R2
                  return root of the newly merged rebalanced tree of R2

split AVL trees

  • Split Breaks one binary search tree into two.
  • we search for element x, then we merge all elements bigger than x into one tree, also merge all elements smaller than x into one another tree

splite trees

  • split(R: tree, X: element) function:
  Split(R: tree, x: element to split over):
      if R = null: // tree is empty
        return (null, null)
      if x  R.Key: // we work on the left, Right keep untouched 
          (R1, R2) = Split(R.Left, x)
          R3 = MergeWithRoot(R2, R.Right, R) 
          // we merge all bigger element comes from down with the untouched part of the Right.
          return (R1, R3) 
      if x > R.Key:
          (R1, R2) = Split(R.Right, x) // work on the right, left untouched
          R3 = MergeWithRoot(R2, R.Left, R) 
          // we merge all smaller element comes from down with the untouched part of the Left.
          return (R1, R3)

predecessor P of a node N is the node with the largest key smaller than the key of N

splay tree