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WA6: Implementation and Maintenance, Testing and Quality Assurance


  • Describe why there are so many types of Financial Proposals and briefly define them.
  • Differentiate between the criteria to be provided in:
    • a hardware RFP
    • a software package RFP
    • a software development RFP.


  • According to (Conger,2008, 680), an RFP or request for a proposal is a formal document requesting a bid on a product or service that RFP’s issuer (organization) may need; the service might be a software, hardware, or operations such as marketing, management…etc.
  • RFPs usually posted publicly, after the issuer organization had done some research (including feasibility study) on the market and the available options (InvestoPedia, 2022).
  • The RFP contains information about the issuer and the required service, and the criteria that the issuer is looking for in the service provider. The response to RFP is usually a proposal that contains the service provider’s offer, and the service provider’s qualifications and experience.
  • Because of the broad nature that RFPs cover, there are many types of RFPs, each for a specific service. For example, there are RFPs for hardware, software, and software development.
  • In this text, we define the issuer organization as the organization that issues the RFP, and the service provider as the organization that responds to the RFP.
  • Each type of RFP has its own financial nature and requirements; the competition allowed bidders to offer more flexible financial options to the RFP issuer; and that explains the many types of financial proposals.
  • According to Conger, the financial options for hardware RFP include:
    • Lease: The hardware is leased to the issuer organization for a certain period of time, and the issuer organization pays a monthly fee to the service provider for the leased hardware.
    • Lease with option to purchase: The hardware is leased to the issuer organization for a certain period of time, and the issuer organization pays a monthly fee to the service provider for the leased hardware. At the end of the lease period, the issuer organization can purchase the hardware for a certain price or return it to the service provider.
    • Purchase: The issuer organization purchases the hardware from the service provider for a certain price.
  • According to Conger, the financial options for software RFP include:
    • One-time license fee: The issuer organization pays a one-time fee to the service provider for the software.
    • Ongoing Maintenance Fee: the issuer organization pays a monthly fee to the service provider who is responsible for maintaining the software and keep it updated.
  • According to Conger, the financial options for software development RFP include:
    • Fixed Price: The service provider is paid a fixed amount for the project.
    • Time and Material: The service provider is paid for the time spent on the project (cost of personnel) + Any other stationary costs (e.g. computers, printing, softwares …etc. ).
    • Time and Material with Ceiling: Same as Time and Material, but the service provider is paid a maximum amount for the project (capped price); if the project runs behind the schedule, the service provider is responsible for the extra cost.
