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Data At-Rest Encryption


  • Citing one of the websites you joined in week 1:
    • discuss the need for data-at-rest encryption.
    • how it protects our data from being disclosed or destroyed
    • discuss a current product that provides such a service.


  • Data at rest is data in its permanent storage; this data has multiple characteristics (Lutkevich, n.d):
    • Hardly ever changed.
    • Access is infrequent.
    • May refer to archived data or old backups.
    • The organization must keep this data for regulatory or legal reasons.
    • Can be stored on a disk, database, mobile device, cloud storage…etc.
  • This data is of great value to the history of the organization, hence it may be a target for hackers.
  • It is easier to secure such data as compared to data in motion or data in use, but it is still a challenge.
  • One of the ways to secure data at rest is to encrypt it; even if the bad actors reached the data, they can not do anything without the deciphering key.
  • Data At Rest encryption can help in the following scenarios (PhoenixNap, 2021):
    • Data Breach.
    • Data Loss due to devices being stolen or lost.
    • Inadvertent password sharing.
    • Accidental permission granting.
    • Data Leakage.
  • The main difference between encrypting data-at-rest and encrypting data-in-motion is that the former is ciphered once and may not be deciphered for a long time, while the latter is ciphered and deciphered immediately after reaching its destination.
  • Types of Data at Rest Encryption (PhoenixNap, 2021):
    • Application-level encryption. The application encrypts the data before it is stored on the disk; then the application can decrypt the data when it is needed.
    • Database encryption. The entire database (or part of it) is encrypted.
    • File System encryption. Some files on the system are encrypted; so that the system can boot up; but accessing the encrypted files requires the decryption key.
    • Full disk encryption. The entire disk is encrypted; the system can NOT boot up without the decryption key.
  • Oracle and IBM DB2 both support encryption of data-at-rest out of the box.
  • Oracle provides table-space and column-level encryption. Default table space encryption AES128 is implemented for Oracle Enterprise Edition systems. Data encryption is provided through an encryption wallet. An encryption wallet is a container that is used to store authentication and signing credentials, such as passwords, master keys, PKI private keys, certificates, and trusted certificates that are required by SSL (IBM, 2021).
