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Unit1: Databases and Relational Data Model


  1. Database Fundamentals, IBM. chapter 1 & 2
  2. Database design, chapters 1 to 7.

Types of information models

  1. Network Model (CODASYL).
  2. Hierarchial Model (IMS).
  3. Relational.
  4. Entity-Relationship (ER).
  5. Extended Relational.
  6. Semantic.
  7. Object-oriented.
  8. Object-relational.
  9. semi-structured (XML).

Career paths with databases

  1. data architect.
  2. database architect.
  3. database administrator (DBA).
  4. applications developer.

Chapter 2: Relational data model

Basic concepts


  • represent column in a table,field in the object.
  • data characteristics of the object.
  • all attributes hve values.

2. domain

  • set of all possible values for an attribute.
  • these values MUST be atomic: 1. non-decomposable. 2. smallest possible unit of dat that can not be divided.
  • eg: domain of Boolean attribute is [true, false].
  • the comparison between the values of 2 attributes is only possible if the 2 attributes have the same domain, otherwise, the comparison does not make sense.
  • domains a re not explicitly stored in the DB, but they MUST be part of the DB definition.
  • each attribute definition MUST include a reference to its domain definition in the DB definition part.

3. Tuples

  • ordered set of values that represent data in the relation.
  • represents: row in a table, record in a file.

4. relations

  • relations represent tables. each relation has a header and body.
  • relation header: fixed set of attributes, represent the head of a table, and each of theses attributes corresponds to a domain.
  • relation body: set of tuples represent the table rows, each tuple has value corresponds ot the attribute in the header.
  • relation Degree: number of attribute in the header, eg. unary, binary, nary…
  • relation cardinality: number of tuples in the relation = rows count, changes overtime (with adding/removing records).
  • relation instance: the state of a relation at a specific moment of time.
  • relation properties:
  • there are no duplicate tuples.
  • tuples are unordered.
  • attributes are unordered.
  • attribute values are atomic.

5. Schemas

  • formal description for all DB relations and relationships between them.

6. keys

  • keys are identifiers for the tuple.
  • used for:
  • enforce rules and constrains on DB.
  • constrains are important for maintaining consistency and correctness of DB.
  • DBMS are responsible for maintaining keys.
  • keys types:
  • candidate keys.
  • primary keys (PK).
  • foreign keys (FK).
6-1 Candidate keys
  • unique identifier for the tuples of a relation, that consists of one or more attributes.
  • if no candidate keys have been specified, the set of k = (all tuple values), might work as a candidate key if and only if: 1. K is unique overtime (no other tuple with the same values). 2. minimality: none of the tuple values can be discarded without destroying the uniqueness property.
  • using Data Definition Language (DDL) you can specify candidate keys by adding UNIQUE keyword to the definition of the attribute.
  • a relation can have multiple candidate keys: 1. one key -> primary key. 2. other keys -> alternate keys.
6-2 primary keys
  • candidate key that has been chosen to represent the relationship.
  • must be: 1. unique. 2. not null.
  • primary key is an attribute that has no meaning in the real life, but it always exist and unique, thus it can be named: 1. surrogate key. 2. artificial key.
6-3 Foreign keys
  • an attribute that references a primary key from another relation.
  • FK and its correspondents PK (from the other relation) MUST have the same domain.

Relational Data Model Constrains

  1. entity integrity constrains.
  2. referential integrity constrains.
  3. semantic integrity constrains.

Entity integrity constrains

  • no attribute that participates in PK can have NULL value.
  • in real life: an entity with NULL PK means that this entity does not exist.
  • NULL value means on of the following: 1. absence of value. 2. undefined value. 3. value that does not belong to the attribute domain.

Referential integrity constrains

  • for every value of FK in a relation R1, there MUST be a tuple from the other relation R2 so that, PK (R2) = FK (R1).
  • FK with NULL value, means that the relationship between the this tuple and the other relation does not exist.

In Case of deleting / Updating a tuple that has a FK, there are 3 possibilities:

  1. CASCADE: the operation cascades to the record of the second relations and affects the tuple that has been referenced with FK.
  2. RESTRICTS: prevent the operation from happening on all tuples with FK that is not NULL, so the operation is rejected.
  3. NULLIFIES: update the record from the second relation that has been referenced by the FK, set the value that points to the affected tuple to be NULL.

Semantic integrity constrains

  • includes: 1. domain constrains. 2. null constrains. 3. unique constrains. 4. check constrains.

domain constrains

  • all values of an attribute MUST belong to its domain.
  • domain constrains include: 1. Format constrains: all values must match a specific pattern, eg. regex, 6 digits… 2. Range Constrains: all values must be in a specific range, eg. number of employees in one department can not exceed the number of employees in the whole company.

NULL constrains

  • value can not be null.
  • DEFAULT keyword can be used to give the a attribute a default value in the case of NULL.

UNIQUE constrains

  • no 2 tuples can have the same value for this attribute.
  • NULL is a valid unique value.

check constrains

  • a condition in a relation data that always checked when the data is manipulated.
  • when defining the check constrains you can add instructions that can be executed when the check fails, and if these instructions are not provided, the operation will be rejected.

Relational Algebra

  • set of operators to manipulate relations.
  • each operator takes one or more relations as INPUT and returns a new relation as OUTPUT.
  • operators are divided into:
traditional -------------- special
1. union 1. select
2. intersection 2. project
3. difference 3. join
4. cartesian product 4. divide
operator definition of results characteristics
UNION - R1 UNION R2 = set of all tuples that belongs to R1, or R2,or both 1. associative. 2. commutative
3. R1, R2 must be union-compatible
INTERSECTION - R1 INTERSECT R2 = set of tuples that belong to Both relations. same as UNION
DIFFERENCE - R1 DIFF R2 = all tuples that belongs to R1, AND NOT belong to R2. 1. R1, R2 must be union-compatible
CARTESIAN PRODUCT - R1 times R2 = set of all tuples where each tuple of the output results 1. R1, R2 must be union-compatible
from a concatenation operation between one tuple from R1, and correspondents
tuple from R2.
- if R1 si of degree n, R2 of degree m => result is of degree n+m
SELECTION - takes one relation AND one condition as input 1. result degree is same as input relation
- selects all tuples from the relation that satisfies the input condition. 2. result cardinality is less or equal to the input.
PROJECTION - takes one relation AND list of attributes as input.
- returns subset of tuples of a relation with duplicate tuples are eliminated.
JOIN - concatenates 2 relations based on a joining condition or predicate.
- theta-join: join result MUST must includes 2 identical attributes
(one from each relation),
when one attribute is eliminated, it is natural join.
when some tuples of 2 relations don’t have matching tuple => outer join
left outer join: result includes all tuples of R but not all tuples of L
right outer join: result includes all tuples of L but not all tuples of R
full outer join: result includes all tuples of R AND ALL tuples of L
DIVISION - divides a relation R1 (degree n+m), and relation R2 degree(m) result of degree n
- the attribute we divide on should be on the same domain.
- we divide on the attribute (n+i) from R1, and i from R2.
- results contains the tuples of R2 that belongs to R1.
- result cardinality equals cardinality of R2.