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4. Social and Political Philosophy

Introduction 1 2 3 4

  • Plato is the first philosopher to write about political philosophy. He wrote about the ideal state in his book “The Republic.”
  • Aristotle wrote about the origin of the state and the ideal state in his book “Politics.”
  • Thomas Aquinas wrote about natural law and the common good.
  • Machiavelli wrote about the ideal prince in his book “The Prince.”
  • Hobbes wrote about the state of nature and the social contract in his book “Leviathan.”
  • Socrates > Plato > Aristotle > Alexander the Great.


  1. Zarri, J. (1948). Aristotle’s Theory of the Origin of the State. 

  2. BRIA 22 4 c St. Thomas Aquinas Natural Law and the Common Good - Online Lessons - Bill of Rights in Action. (2023). 

  3. Burnyeat, M. (1997). Culture and Society in Plato’s Republic THE TANNER LECTURES ON HUMAN VALUES. 

  4. Levin M.. (2012). A Meritopia. The unmaking of America.