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Object Oriented Programming

some types of oop to look at

  • object oriented modular programming
  • incremental programming


  • applying encapsulation will lead to Abstraction[2].
  • in c++: class is a structure that all its members are private by default [2].
  • summary about entity access control types in classes:

    Entity type Inhereted ? accessed by class methods ? accessed outside the class ?
    eg. setters and getters eg. directly as className.entity
    private - - -
    protected + + -
    public + + +


  • structures (classes) is a collection of variables of possibly different types.
  • an object is in instance of the structure, we can call it a structure itself.
  • structures can be memberes of another structures
  • you can't the same structure type as member of the same type, because we will get infinite loop of memory reservations.

        // c++
        struct MyStruct {
            int x;
            MyStruct y; // this is wrong

Structures and pointers

  • structures in memory:

    structures in memory ![pointers in em]

  • myStruct* is pointer to MyStruct type.

  • Example:

    // c++
        struct MyStruct {
                int x;
                int y;
        MyStrcut p1; // defining a new object
         MyStruct*  ptr // define a variable of type pointer to mystruct
         ptr = &p1 // assign memory addres of p1 to ptr
         *ptr = { 1 , 2 } // assign the data in memory addres &p1 to {1,2}
         // to access the pointer of y of p1
         ptrY = &p1 + 4 // &p1 points to the first member of p1 whic is x, x takes 4 bytes, after 4 byets we reach y.
        // OR
        ptr->y = 2 // assign data in y pointer to 2  // (&p1)->y  = 2
  • pointers in structures:

    pointers in structures

    in the photo above, istead of reserving extra 54 bytes for the driver in t1 we are pointing to d1 which cost only 4 bytes.

  • since we can not use a structure as member of the same structure type, we can use its pointer in our code as this:

    use structure type in the same structure by its pointer in this photo, points to t1, although t1 and t2 are from the same type, we can't use t1 as member of t2, but we can point to it.

  • writting to the heap starts with the word new, as int* ptr = new int

            // c++
            struct MyStruct {
                    int x;
                    int y;
              MyStruct* p1 = new MyStruct  // we are writting to the heap  
              // (dynamically allocating memory for the new struct)
              // now can dynamically handle p1 contents


  • entites: all members of class.
  • abstraction: hide the un-necesary details of the class.
  • entites can be [1]:
    1. fixed (like methods) don't change while the object interacts.
    2. state (like vars) change while the object interacts.

member functions

  • member functions are the methods of a class.
  • member functions are fixed entries [1].
  • calling member functions.

        // className is the reciever
        // claassFunc is the member function
        // funcArg arguments that are passed to the method
  • interfaces: simple layer hiding everything (eg. member function with no arguments)

Access control of members in structures

  • Crucial for data hiding or encapsulation [2].


  • Member can be accessed from anywhere in program
  • can be inhereted.


  • Member can be accessed only from member functions of same structure (class).
  • reading and writting can be done only using the class methods setters and getters.
  • make sure that these getters and setters are public so they can be accessesd by other parts of the program.
  • can not be inhereted.


  • moderate private.
  • can be accessed only in the defintion of the derived classes.

Mutator functions

  • Member functions that update values of data members that other functions are allowed to update [3].


  • Invoked automatically when an object of the class is allocated [3].
  • Convenient way to initialize data members.
  • Just like any other member function
  • Accepts optional input parameters
  • Can be used to perform tasks other than initialization too [3].
  • class can have multiple constructors as long as each one has a distinct list of parameter types.
  • When allocating an object of the class, the types of parameters passed to the constructor determine which constructor is invoked.
  • constructors must be public [3].

    calss V3 {
        double x, y, z;  
        // first constructor: normal.
        V3(double a, double b, double c){
            x = a;
            y = b;
            z = c;
        // second constructor: initialazation, no parameters.
        // default constructor
         // third constructor : with default values, some params are optional
        V3(double a = 0.0 , double b = 1.0, double c = 2.0){
            x = a;
            y = b;
            z = c;
        // destructor
        ~V3() { if (length() == 0.0) {
        cout << Zero vector!!!;
    V3 myObj1; // invoke second constructor
    V3 *myObj2 = new V3(1.0, 2.0. 3.0); // invokes first constuctor
     V3 *myObj2 = new V3(1.0, 2.0); // invokes third constuctor

Default constructor

  • a constructor method without any params.
  • when you define an array of type MyClass:

    1. the default constructor, the one without parameters, will be invoked when you intialize a new class without specyfying a constructr [3].
    2. if no default constructor the compiler will provide one for you, but it might not be as you want [3].
    3. If a non-default constructor is defined, but not a default constructor, C++ compiler will NOT provide a bare-bones default constructor, and the array will not defined, get an Error.
  • Best practice: Always Define default constructors.

copy constructor

  • constructor method that take a class as parameter, and return a new class from the same type.
  • the parameter class should be passed by reference, so the old class values will be copied to the new class.

        class V3 {
            int x,y,z;
            V3 copyConstrutor ( const V3 &objFromSameClass){
                V3 v;
                v.x = objFromSameClass.x
                v.y = objFromSameClass.y
                v.z = objFromSameClass.z
                return v;
            // another Example here:


  • Invoked automatically when an object of the class is de-allocated.
  • Convenient way to do book-keeping/cleaning-up before deallocating object [3].
  • Accepts no parameters.
  • Can be used to perform other tasks before de-allocating object [3].
  • must be public.

operator overloading

  • create a special functions to be invoked after some operetors (eg: + - * /) [4].

        class V3 {
            private: double x, y, z;
            // operator + overloading
            V3 operator+ (const V3 &b) {
            return V3(x + b.x, y + b.y, z + b.z);
             // operator * overloading
            V3 operator* (const double factor) {
            return V3(x*factor, y*factor, z*factor);
        // in main
        v1 = new V3(1.0,2.0,3.0)
        v2 = new V3(4.0,5.0,6.0)
        v4 = v1 * v2 // this will execute the function with the operator loading.

Assignment Overloading

  • We can re-define the assignment operator for a class/struct by defining the member function operator= [4].

Friend classes and functions

  • A “friend” declaration allows a class to explicitly allow specific non-member functions to access its private members.
  • a function can be friend to several classess.
  • a class can be friends with several functions.
  • in the class defenetion I declare:

    ```c++ // c++ class V3 { // code friend ReturnType FuncName( …Params ); // this will give the FuncName Access to private properties of the class V3

    // OR
    friend class ClassName; // all functions of className will be friends with V3.


static data members

  • members of class that will share its value with all objects of the class [4].
  • if this static data changed in one object, it will change with all other objects of this class [4].


  • when there are some common features between mutliple classes, we can use a base class contains the common properties. then we extend each class with its own properties.

Compositional Way

  • the inhereted class cotains one property of the type base class.
  • we need to access our new class, then the base class to get access to its properties.

Inheritance Way

  • the new class extends the previous one, so we can access the propieties of the base class directly as if they were a properties to the extended class.

    copmaring composional way to inhertance way.

    copmaring composional way to inhertance way.

  • example of Bank accouts heirachy, where you need to use inheretance: [4].

Access Control in Derived Classes

  • the base class is the class that contains the common properties.
  • the derived class is the new class that extends the base one.
  • the propereties types in base class can be: 1.public 2.private 3.protected.
  • the type of derivation (inhertenace) can also be: 1.public 2.private 3.protected.
  • the comination of propert type and inhertenace type can control the accessebilty of the base property in the derived class.
  • From both types, the one with more privacy and less accessbility will be dominated as : private > protected > public.
  • summary of the inheretance depending on both types [4]:

    summary of iheretance

Methods Inheretance

  • methods can be redefined in the derived class.
  • to call the method of the base (super) class after you redefine you can do:

    c++ class savings : public base { public: int age; long int ATM; void printInfo() { base::printInfo() // when call savings.printInfo() will execute the both methods from base and savings. cout << "\nPrinting in savings: \n"; cout << age << ", " << ATM << endl; } };

  • instantianting a new derived class will call both constructors of the default constructor of the base then the constructor of the derived class.

  • if the base class doesn’t have default construcor (eg. its constructor has arguments) you need to explicitly call the base constructor when constructing the derived class.


  • a derived class can be used as its shape or as base class because it has all data in the base class.
  • so, we have 2 shapes or forms of the derived class, that’s polymorphism.
  • inhereted methods that are redefined in the derived class can be used as its original defention or its second defenition, this is also polymorphism.
  • example here:

virtual functions

  • implements polymorphism in the function calls.
  • functions defined in the base class, but they need to be redefined in the dervied class in order to work.
  • example here:

Abstract class

  • A class that cannot be instantiated directly.
  • instantiation of this class will give compiler error.
  • Implemented as a class that has one or more pure virtual functions As. virtual void FuncName() = 0; Which should be overridden by member function definitions of derived class.
  • used when using the base class has no meaningfull meaning.
  • Example (Bank account):
    1. A person does not have just a bank account.
    2. It is either a savings bank account or a current bank account
    3. Instantiating class ‘base’ by itself has no meaningful purpose
