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DA8. 5G vs 6G


Before beginning the discussion, please answer the following questions as well within your initial post:

  • Have you heard of 5G and 6G wireless technologies before? If so, how familiar are you with them?
  • What industries or areas do you think could benefit from the implementation of 5G and 6G technologies?


  1. Research and compare the features and capabilities of 5G and 6G wireless technologies.
  2. Provide a detailed analysis of the similarities and differences between the two technologies.


I have heard of 5G as it started to roll out in the UK by late 2019, and now 85 to 93% of UK premises could get 5G coverage outdoors from at least one operator (Clark & Baker, 2024). However, I have never heard of 6G before this unit. I actually use 5G to connect to the internet, although it needs a special device (similar to the wifi router).

Almost every industry can benefit from the implementation of 5G and 6G technologies; as the increased bandwidth, low latency, and high speeds can solve some of the limitations that some industries are currently facing. Self-driving cars, healthcare, entertainment, manufacturing, and agriculture are some of the industries that could benefit from these technologies (Mihret & Haile, 2021). For example, for self-driving cars to ride safely on the road, every car needs to be aware -and maybe communicate- with every other car on the road to avoid accidents; this requires transporting a lot of data in real-time where the connection must be reliable and fast; these characteristics are provided by 5G and 6G technologies and they are considered limitations for 4G and previous technologies (Mihret & Haile, 2021).

5G features and capabilities include the following (Fruehe, 2024):

  • Increased bandwidth and speed: up to 10 - 20 Gbps (Gigabits per second) which is 10 to 100 times faster than 4G.
  • Low latency: as low as 1 ms (millisecond) which is 10 times faster than 4G.
  • Density: 5G supports 100 times more devices per square area than 4G, up to 1 million devices per square kilometer.
  • Power consumption: 5G is more power-efficient than 4G; with estimated energy savings of up to 90%.
  • More secure: 5G is more secure than 4G, with improved encryption and authentication.

6G features and capabilities include the following (O’Halloran, 2024) and (6GWorld, 2024):

  • Increased bandwidth and speed: up to 1 terabit per second (Tbps) which is 100 times faster than 5G.
  • Low latency: as low as 1 microsecond.
  • Advanced spectrum utilization: utilizing higher frequency bands, including sub-terahertz (sub-THz) frequencies
  • Intelligent network management with the use of AI.
  • Enhanced security and privacy features.
  • More efficient power consumption.

The similarities between 5G and 6G as both are wireless communication technologies, both aim to increase speed and reduce latency, and both are compatible with previous generations and can be used in IoT, AR, VR, and other applications.

There are also differences between 5G and 6G, such as the speed, bandwidth, and latency where 6G is better; 6G is still in early development while 5G is more mature and is being deployed globally.


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