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8. Logic Programming

1 Lecture Notes


  • Developed in the 1970s by Alain Colmerauer and Phillipe Roussel.
  • The name is from “PROgramming LOGic”.
  • It is a declarative language that aligns with predicate calculus (logic proofs).
  • It is good for: AI, Natural language processing, Databases.
  • It is not good for: Numerical computation, Graphics, complex IO.
  • Prolog consists of:
    • Facts: likes(john, mary). define statements that are always true.
    • Rules: snowy(X) :- rainy(X), cold(X). define relationships between facts where :- means “implies”.
    • Queries: ?- likes(john, mary). ask questions about facts and rules.
  • All variables are capitalized, and all constants are lowercase.
  • Prolog Data types:

    • Terms:
      • Atoms: john, mary, likes. must start with a lowercase letter or be enclosed in single quotes.
      • Numbers: 1, 2.5, -3.14. the language does not distinguish between integers and floats, but there are extensions that do.
      • Variables: X, Y, Z. must start with an uppercase letter or an underscore.
      • Compound terms: likes(john, mary), likes(X, mary), likes(john, Y).
    • Program:
      • Clauses: likes(john, mary)., likes(john, X) :- likes(X, mary).
      • A program is a collection of clauses that includes facts and rules and other predicates.
    • Predicates:
      • Built-in:
        • Equality: X = Y, X \= Y. \= means “not equal”. = means “unify” or logical equality and not arithmetic equality.
        • Guaranteed success/failure: true, fail.
        • Output: write(X), nl. nl means “newline”.
        • Type Checking: var(X), nonvar(X), number(X), atom(X), integer(X), float(X), atomic(X), compound(X).
        • Comparison: X < Y, X =< Y, X > Y, X >= Y.
  • Clauses are written in Horn form which consists of a head (consequent) and a body (terms) with one semantic: If all the terms in the body are true, then we can deduce that the head is true.

  • Horn Clause:
    • H <- B1, B2, ..., Bn where H is the head and B1, B2, ..., Bn are the body.
    • All of B1, B2, ..., Bn must be true for H to be true.
    • All of B1, B2, ..., Bn imply H.
    • In Prolog: H :- B1, B2, ..., Bn.
  • The clause is either a fact or a rule.

Recursion in Prolog

  • Recursion is an implementation of divide and conquer by a function that iteratively calls itself with smaller and smaller inputs until it reaches a base case.
  • Recursive relations:
parent(john, mary).
parent(john, sue).
parent(mary, bill).
parent(mary, tom).
parent(sue, jim).
parent(sue, ann).

% recursive rule with base case
ancestor(X, Y) :- parent(X, Y).
ancestor(X, Y) :- parent(X, Z), ancestor(Z, Y).

?- ancestor(john, ann). % true
?- ancestor(john, sue). % true

% recursive rule with base case
descendant(X, Y) :- parent(Y, X).
descendant(X, Y) :- parent(Y, Z), descendant(X, Z).

?- descendant(jim, john). % true
?- descendant(jim, sue). % true
  • Computed recursion:
sumOf([], 0).
sumOf([H|T], Sum) :- sumOf(T, Rest), Sum is H + Rest.

?- sumOf([1, 2, 3], Sum). % Sum = 6

1 3 Unification and Resolution

  • Read about unification at 3.
  • Unification tests a goal against a clause(s). e.g. the goal LHS=RHS.
  • The LHS (or RHS) can be an atom, a variable, or a compound term.
  • Two atoms unify if they are the same atom.
  • Two numbers unify if they are the same number.
  • Two complex (compound) terms unify if:
    • They have the same functor and same arity (same number of arguments).
    • All their corresponding arguments unify.
  • A variable unifies with a term by binding to that term; if the variable is already bound, then the unification fails.

2 Prolog Dictionary

4 Prolog Tutorial

  • Facts list what is true. E.g. sun_is_shining..
  • Queries ask questions about what is true based on the facts that are given before asking the question. E.g. ?- sun_is_shining..
  • Relations:
    • Relations are facts with arguments, such as relation(arg1, arg2, ..., argn)..
    • Can be queried with variables, such as ?- relation(X, Y, Z)..
    • Example: age(john, 23).
  • Variables:
    • Variables are capitalized.
    • Variables are unbound until they are bound to a value.
    • Variables can be used to query the database.
    • Variables can be used to bind values.
    • Thus the query ?- relation(X, Y, Z). will bind X, Y, and Z to the values that satisfy the relation.
    • And ?- age(john, X). will bind X to 23 which is the value that satisfies the relation.
  • Rules:
    • Rules are used to infer new facts from existing facts.
    • Rules are written as head :- body..
    • Rules have clauses.
    • E.g. mortal(X) :- human(X).
      • Means that X is mortal if X is human.
      • human(X) is the body, it has one clause.
    • We can also query rules, such as ?- mortal(john). which will return true if john is human, and false otherwise.
    • Or ?- mortal(X). where X will be bound to all the values that satisfy the rule mortal(X)
  • Backtracking:
    • Answers questions that their answer answers to more than one value.
    • E.g. ?- mortal(MortalItem). will return true for all the values that satisfy the rule mortal(X), that is, MortalItem=me, MortalItem=socrates, etc.
% facts

% relations: facts with arguments
likes(john, mary).
age(john, 23).
eats(john, apples).
eats(john, oranges).

% rules
mortal(X) :- human(X).

% more complex rules.
fun(X) :- red(X), car(X).
fun(X) :- blue(X), bike(X).
% fun is true if X is red and a car, or blue and a bike, or ice_cream.

% queries
?- sun_is_shining. % true
?- likes(john, mary). % true
?- age(john, 50). % false
?- agennn(john, 23). % false, as agennn is not defined
?- eats(john, apples). % true
?- eats(john, What). % What = apples, What = oranges.
?- mortal(socrates). % true
?- mortal(X). % X = socrates, X = me.
?- fun(X). % X = ice_cream.
?- fun(bike(red(myBike))). % true

5 Logic Programming

  • Logic programming is based on the observation that formulas in mathematical logic can be interpreted as specifications of computations.
  • The style of programming is declarative rather than imperative.
  • We do not issue commands telling the computer what to do; instead, we describe the relationship between the input data and the output data, and let the computer figure out how to obtain the output from the input.
  • To the extent that this is successful, logic programming provides a significantly higher level of abstraction, with the corresponding advantage of extremely concise programs.


  1. UoPeople. (2023). CS4402: Comparative Programming Languages. Unit 8. Lecture Notes. 

  2. Prolog Dictionary. 

  3. Prolog Dictionary. Unification. 

  4. Prolog Tutorial. 

  5. Ben-Ari, M. (2006). Understanding programming languages. Weizman Institute of Science. Chapter 17: Logic Programming.