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DA7. Evidence for Evolution


In your assigned readings, you learned how evidence is used to support the theory of evolution. Using examples, briefly discuss how evidence is used to support evolution. Do you agree with the use of this data/evidence? Explain your position.


The only constant factor in life is change, and only individuals who master the art of adaptation survive. The theory of evolution is a scientific explanation of how organisms adapt to their environment, supported by evidence from various fields of study, including paleontology, biogeography, embryology, and molecular biology.

Paleontology is the study of fossils, and it provides evidence of evolution by showing how organisms have changed over time. For example, the fossil record shows that horses and humans share a common ancestor, but they have evolved to have different physical characteristics (number of legs, size, etc.) (Rye et al., 2016, p. 472).

Biogeography is the study of the distribution of organisms around the world, and it provides evidence of evolution by showing the concentration of individuals with similar characteristics in the same area, which indicates that natural selection is keeping only individuals with specific adaptations alive.

Embryology is the study of early stages of life, where the similar embryonic development of different organisms indicates an evolutionary relationship of some kind.

Molecular biology is concerned with small units of life, from the size of a cell and below. Usually DNA molecules are strong enough to survive for a long time; which make them a good source of evidence for evolution. But the main contribution of molecular biology is the discovery of the genetic code and how genes are passed and mutations are formed (Rye et al., 2016, p. 473).

I agree with the use of this data/evidence, as it is based on scientific methods and there is wide acceptance of the theory of evolution among the scientific community.

To conclude, the evolution theory answered many questions about living organisms and their relationship with each other, and yet we may still have not got the full picture, but surely as long as studies are continued, we will get closer to the truth sooner or later.
